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Ugh, how dare they not include Jessica Rabbit! I admit Betty Boop is a far greater character as one of the Top 50 sexiest cartoon babes but they featured 'Little Red Riding Hood' from the old Toon Heads featured that was recently redone over having Jessica Rabbit which was a later version of the classic redhead.

Anyway, thought I would post that one in, I still think Betty Boop should be higher in the rating as she is the ultimate cartoon Diva, but I can see how the Baroness From GI JOE and Mary Jane could get in there. Also I like the fact that every one of those characters are from popular american genre features and any stoner or person just bored enough to watch cartoon network for the last 20 years could easily name off every one of those characters.

I will admit though Wonder Woman should have maintained her spot on the top, she is one of the best in her field, too bad they re-did the 70's live action series over the cartoon in the recently re-released box set.


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