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Nerdy news and lefty views, furry style.
Updated: 4 hours 16 min ago

Episode 508 - FList for Nerds

Mon 17 Jan 2022 - 14:26
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 507 - 2020 Plus 2

Sat 8 Jan 2022 - 12:15

Time is a flat circle and it feels like we're back where we began. Wild. 

This week- Fuzz and Savrin discuss the topic of paraphilias, specifically Savrin having read the book "Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us" by Jesse Bering. What a paraphilia is (hint: it's not just the big scary ones) how they develop (thanks Disney) and what you can do about them once you're an adult (accept them and deal with them in as healthy a manner as possible.) 

One thing Savrin did fail to mention in the episode is that for people who seek therapy for dealing with paraphilic issues, finding a therapist certified by AASECT - The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists - Is going to be your best bet, as they're specifically trained on the topics.

Then we talk about the plight of Further Confusion and AnthroExpo in the time of Omicron literally an hour before we found out that FC has been postponed. They could still use your help though.

"PERV" on Alibris - Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us by Jesse Bering - Alibris

AASECT - AASECT:: American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists | 

Donate to help Further Confusion by purchasing a supporting membership- Further Confusion 2022 Registration (

Same with AnthroExpo in the drop down- AnthroExpo 2022: CasinOWO Royale (

Telegram fan chat - 
Patreon - Southpaws is creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon 

Episode 507 - 2020 Plus 2
Categories: Podcasts

Episode506 - Knotify Rewind

Sat 11 Dec 2021 - 16:00

It's the end of 2020's sequel and we're here to do one last pod of the year to talk about surviving it, a bit about MFF, keeping furry weird, and doing terrible things to skittle-sonas.

RIP Popeyes buffet -
Telegram fan chat-
Patreon- Southpaws is creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon 

Episode506 - Knotify Rewind
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 505 - Documancy

Sun 7 Nov 2021 - 11:41

This week- Savrin handles documents, trains of thought are derailed, drugs are discussed, kooks get up in our local business, and "I'm not going to jail, I'm white" gets disproved.

AARP Advance Directives -
Kooks Do Dallas -
Telegram fan chat -
Patreon - 

Episode 505 - Documancy
Categories: Podcasts

Southpaws Podcast - Halloweekend 2021

Sun 31 Oct 2021 - 14:07

Fuzz, Savrin, and Ajax watched some spooky movies, oooo it's a bonus episode since we didn't record a regular one this week ooooooo

Southpaws Podcast - Halloweekend 2021
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 504 - LHM

Sat 23 Oct 2021 - 13:00

This week- Strikewatch is back with news from Amazon in NY and Paizo publishing, internet shitstirrers use the same playbook twice, antivaxxers get consequences, you can minmax your own vax booster, and Texas' terrible Lt. Gov actually pays out.


Vaccine minmaxing -
Telegram fan chat - 

Episode 504 - LHM
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 503 - RMFD

Sun 17 Oct 2021 - 16:24

This week- it's Striketober! The hogs demand their treats! Brain flakes! Real men don't care about scantily clad women, they want dragons! And a 100 year old fatal nutshot.


Telegram fan chat -

            Episode 503 - RMFD
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 502 - They‘re Not Grrreat

Sun 10 Oct 2021 - 20:48

This week- tech gremlins, cereal strikes, scammers getting scammed, weird tapping sounds we don't know the source of right now, twitch income, and more.


Scammers getting scammed -
That tulips thing was in 1637 actually -
Telegram fan chat - 

Episode 502 - They‘re Not Grrreat
Categories: Podcasts