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Fuzzy Logic

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Updated: 3 years 33 weeks ago

Episode 25 – Popufur - Just like last week, we’ve got two e-mails to read this time around…but at 45 minutes long (give or take), there’s a lot more to be had here! Mention is made of balancing work and life, discussion of Lady Ga[...]

Fri 9 Dec 2011 - 05:04

Just like last week, we’ve got two e-mails to read this time around…but at 45 minutes long (give or take), there’s a lot more to be had here! Mention is made of balancing work and life, discussion of Lady Gaga’s new video is had, and there’s a sizable rant about the shenanigans that PayPal is pulling! For more information on that, go here to find out what’s happening! One of our e-mails is from our loyal listener Sclariqrevk asking about Kyo and his usual demeanor, and another is about how to get listeners/watchers/fans and the nebulous link between talent and adult art! Kyo is compared to a mountain, Halfwit is compared to Garth Brooks, we debut our Word of the Week, anal dentata, and much more!

Next week’s topic is attraction; we’ve discussed how to make friends and become popular, now we’re going to discuss what to do if you find someone in whom you’re interested in more than a casual way! Are you attracted to someone and you need to figure out how to tell them? Do you think someone’s attracted to you but want to be sure? Write in about these topics or any others with which you want our help, it’s our purpose to answer your e-mails and render whatever assistance we can!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 25 – Popufur
File modified December 9, 2011 – 39.9 MB – downloaded 574 times so far

Episode 25 – Popufur - Just like last week, we’ve got two e-mails to read this time around…but at 45 minutes long (give or take), there’s a lot more to be had here! Mention is made of balancing work and life, discussion of Lady Ga[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 24 – The Buddy System - This week, we’ve got just two e-mails to review! Awww, and we were doing so well last week, too! We’ve got one fur who’s concerned that he might be a little bit too stalkery, and another who’s trying t[...]

Fri 2 Dec 2011 - 07:19

This week, we’ve got just two e-mails to review! Awww, and we were doing so well last week, too! We’ve got one fur who’s concerned that he might be a little bit too stalkery, and another who’s trying to introduce people to him and the brony fandom! We also discuss Lady Gaga, Teletubbies, Mr. Rogers, vagina spiders, and more…and it turns out that Istanbul can do a passable Mr. Rogers impression! BE AFRAID.

Next week’s episode is all about that most elusive and fleeting of traits, popularity. Do you need help approaching a popufur? Are you trying to become one? Do you feel unpopular and want to figure out some way to be better liked by those around you? Drop us a line, we’re here to help!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 24 – The Buddy System
File modified December 2, 2011 – 37 MB – downloaded 587 times so far

Episode 24 – The Buddy System - This week, we’ve got just two e-mails to review! Awww, and we were doing so well last week, too! We’ve got one fur who’s concerned that he might be a little bit too stalkery, and another who’s trying t[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 23 – Remembrance

Fri 18 Nov 2011 - 05:54

This is our second-most popular topic so far, with a total of seven e-mails! We read e-mails from people losing their boyfriends, losing their loved ones, losing their grip on reality…Kyo gets his rant on more than once, and some stories are shared by all involved! It’s also one of our longest episodes, running just under 1h40m, but this is a weighty topic that deserves the attention. This one is a little hard on the heart-strings, but we’re glad you know you can come to us when you need someone to talk to. Spread the word!

Next week’s topic is a little more light-hearted, and it’s about something we all want to do: making friends! Whether you’ve had limited success in your area in meeting people or you’re just a bit socially awkward when you’re around people you don’t know, we want to hear from you and help you to make those connections that make life worthwhile!

Finally, Jeddar is pretty sure that he has some idea of what’s been going on with the iTunes feed, so keep your digits crossed; hopefully we’ve got it sorted out this time!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 23 – Remembrance
File modified November 18, 2011 – 89.9 MB – downloaded 126 times so far

Categories: Podcasts

Episode 22 – Holiday Bloat - Looks like not a lot of you wanted to talk about the holiday season! (Touchy topic, maybe?) We’ve got one e-mail from a distinctly descriptive listener, but it was big enough to divide into two; half for Halfwit, and ha[...]

Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 02:24

Looks like not a lot of you wanted to talk about the holiday season! (Touchy topic, maybe?) We’ve got one e-mail from a distinctly descriptive listener, but it was big enough to divide into two; half for Halfwit, and half for Kyo! This episode seems to have a secondary theme of CANDY, with all cast members torturing poor Kyo by eating candy in front of him! NaNoWriMo is mentioned (as is No-Shave Month), accents, Kyo’s grandma, and more!

Also, we have a new opener! Fresh off of his new CD called Ready Fur The World (available at, Bucktown has allowed us to use the first fifteen seconds or so from the track “All Y’all”. This podcast is, after all, about and for all y’all!

Next week’s episode is about coping with loss. October has been really difficult for a lot of people, with many people losing friends and/or family members, and we know that it can be difficult getting through the process of moving on with one’s life. We’re here to listen and help as best we can, and we want to use our own personal experience in this matter to help you out.

Finally, keep in mind that EVERY week is open topic week. The topic suggestions we post are just that, suggestions! If you have something you want to write in about, drop us a line! We always have time for you!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 22 – Holiday Bloat
File modified November 4, 2011 – 37.7 MB – downloaded 333 times so far

Episode 22 – Holiday Bloat - Looks like not a lot of you wanted to talk about the holiday season! (Touchy topic, maybe?) We’ve got one e-mail from a distinctly descriptive listener, but it was big enough to divide into two; half for Halfwit, and ha[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 21 – The Future Soon - We’re back in the saddle, so to speak, and we’ve got another new episode for you! This week’s episode is a whopping hour and a half long, due in no small part to the con report from Oklacon. Every cast membe[...]

Fri 28 Oct 2011 - 00:47

We’re back in the saddle, so to speak, and we’ve got another new episode for you! This week’s episode is a whopping hour and a half long, due in no small part to the con report from Oklacon. Every cast member attended, and everyone has something to say, including the part where Smokescale almost caught fire – download the episode for more on that! We then go on to an update on our German friend and his efforts to emigrate, a discussion about how the future might be, and one of the most florid and inventive descriptions of Kyo any of the cast has ever heard!

Next week’s episode is all about the holidays. Going to visit family and/or friends? Staying home? Got someone to share the holiday with? Let us know! Need tips on how to survive the upcoming holidays, socially and emotionally and nutritionally and financially? Drop us a line! And don’t forget, we’re always here to help, so hit us up with anything with which you need a hand!

No more conventions until the end of the year means no skipped episodes, so we should be good to go for the next six or seven in a row (until Christmas itself is upon us)! Look forward to getting a regular fix for a while!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 21 – The Future Soon
File modified October 28, 2011 – 84.6 MB – downloaded 339 times so far

Episode 21 – The Future Soon - We’re back in the saddle, so to speak, and we’ve got another new episode for you! This week’s episode is a whopping hour and a half long, due in no small part to the con report from Oklacon. Every cast membe[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 20 – Golden Calves - This week’s episode is a little over half an hour long, roughly half the normal length, for a couple of reasons. First, with only two e-mails, we managed to get through them fairly quickly…offering useful advice o[...]

Fri 14 Oct 2011 - 04:53

This week’s episode is a little over half an hour long, roughly half the normal length, for a couple of reasons. First, with only two e-mails, we managed to get through them fairly quickly…offering useful advice on immigration to one listener, and hearing the feelings expressed in an on-topic e-mail on another. Secondly, Kyo is going through a hard time and was unable to join us (send him your best wishes!), but we managed to coerce Smokescale to join us as our third! That’s right, you’ll get to hear him speak more than a sentence at a time for the first time this week!

Our next episode is all about the woooooorld of tomorroooooow! That’s right, we want to hear about your future! What you want to go, where you want to go, what goals you want to reach, or simply which child star you think will be the next to go on a drug-addled rampage. Let us know what kind of future you predict, and what you plan to do in order to make it happen!

One more reminder: We won’t be recording next week (10/20), as the entire cast will be at Oklacon having an awesome time. We’ll be recording the week after, however, and every subsequent week in the near future!

P.S.: I think I’ve figured out why the iTunes feed wasn’t working. Somebody let me know if it’s fixed this week!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 20 – Golden Calves
File modified October 14, 2011 – 31.1 MB – downloaded 332 times so far

Episode 20 – Golden Calves - This week’s episode is a little over half an hour long, roughly half the normal length, for a couple of reasons. First, with only two e-mails, we managed to get through them fairly quickly…offering useful advice o[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 19 – The Pilgrimage - Whew! Sorry about the wait, folks; it’s been a month since we last recorded, what with sickness and conventions and such getting in the way. We’ve got four e-mails to read this week, including several on the topic[...]

Fri 7 Oct 2011 - 03:05

Whew! Sorry about the wait, folks; it’s been a month since we last recorded, what with sickness and conventions and such getting in the way. We’ve got four e-mails to read this week, including several on the topic of conventions and one on the subject of evil exes. We also discuss the loss of Steve Jobs, the goings-on at Rainfurrest, and each cast member’s own evil exes!

Our next episode is going to be about idols. People you admire, people you want to be like, people you think have contributed to the world as a whole. If you think someone is awesome and want to give them a shout-out, this is your opportunity to do so! As usual, we’re accepting all e-mails (not just on-topic ones), so don’t be shy about contacting us!

Finally, just a heads-up: we will be recording next week (10/13), but not the week after (10/20), as the entire cast will be at Oklacon (which is an awesome con you should all attend). Click here to take a look! After that, there are no immediate plans to take weeks off, so we can get right back to answering those e-mails!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 19 – The Pilgrimage
File modified October 7, 2011 – 82 MB – downloaded 331 times so far

Episode 19 – The Pilgrimage - Whew! Sorry about the wait, folks; it’s been a month since we last recorded, what with sickness and conventions and such getting in the way. We’ve got four e-mails to read this week, including several on the topic[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con - We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the lea[...]

Fri 9 Sep 2011 - 03:41

We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the leap from anime cons over to the furry variety! We also cover a variety of other topics; Halfwit goes rantypants about driving, Istanbul goes rantypants about freeloading, and Kyo gives his con report about Mephit Furmeet 2011!

Our next episode is going to be all about evil exes. No, we don’t mean virii that try to get onto your computer…we mean ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends who have proven that they’re the lowest of the low! All three podcasters have stories about this, and if you want to share, now’s the time! Don’t worry, we won’t use any names on the air. And hey, if you just want to talk about things like revenge tactics or what your buddy’s evil exes have done to them, that’s okay too!

Finally, we want to mention it here: while we will tend to give precedence to topical e-mails over non-topical e-mails, all e-mails are always welcome, and one kind of e-mail will always get preference: the one where you ask for help. Fuzzy Logic was created to help you, the listeners, through the hard times in your life. Even if your problem isn’t on-topic, it’ll always receive the highest priority with us. Never be afraid to write in for help, that’s what we’re here for!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con
File modified September 9, 2011 – 55.4 MB – downloaded 334 times so far

Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con - We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the lea[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 17 – Killing Time - This topic proved pretty popular, with five different people writing in to tell us what they like! This episode is all over the place, and several of the cast members crack up on multiple occasions as topics range from Mary P[.

Fri 26 Aug 2011 - 17:50

This topic proved pretty popular, with five different people writing in to tell us what they like! This episode is all over the place, and several of the cast members crack up on multiple occasions as topics range from Mary Poppins to bubblegum to the Holocaust to Pokemon to…well, you’ll just have to download it and listen. This one defies description, even going so far as to make Kyo do the requisite writhing in the first five minutes!

Our next episode is all about that furriest of all gatherings, the convention. Do you like them? Do you hate them? Which ones do you attend? Do you have questions, misconceptions, worries about them? All three cast members of Fuzzy Logic are experienced in the convention scene to a significant degree, and we’ve got lots of wisdom to share on the topic! Also, don’t forget that we’re here to help you with any issues you may have; if you want our advice, or just to be heard, sticking with the topic is purely optional!

One more thing to note: Our next episode will be recorded on Thursday, September 8th due to the fact that Kyo will be heading out for Mephit Furmeet on the 1st. Don’t panic when you don’t see a post on the 1st!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 17 – Killing Time
File modified August 26, 2011 – 56.3 MB – downloaded 387 times so far

Episode 17 – Killing Time - This topic proved pretty popular, with five different people writing in to tell us what they like! This episode is all over the place, and several of the cast members crack up on multiple occasions as topics range from Mary P[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 16 – The Only Constant - Three more e-mails this time around, including a clarification for a previous e-mail, an update on our long-running plotline about a Crazy Mom, and a story about trying something new! This one features extra Kyo-breakage,

Fri 19 Aug 2011 - 22:25

Three more e-mails this time around, including a clarification for a previous e-mail, an update on our long-running plotline about a Crazy Mom, and a story about trying something new! This one features extra Kyo-breakage, and even has Istanbul shaking his head now and again – madness abounds, it seems, even moreso than usual!

Next week’s topic is about hobbies! Come tell us what you do with your free time when you’re not listening to podcasts! Do you write, draw, collect stamps, hide corpses under your bed, what? And don’t forget to let people know about us! Our entire purpose is to answer your e-mails and lend a helping hand where we can, but we can’t do that if you don’t write in!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 16 – The Only Constant
File modified August 19, 2011 – 52.3 MB – downloaded 374 times so far

Episode 16 – The Only Constant - Three more e-mails this time around, including a clarification for a previous e-mail, an update on our long-running plotline about a Crazy Mom, and a story about trying something new! This one features extra Kyo-breakage, and[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 15 – Vuvuzela Crazy Frog - We’ve got three e-mails for your listening enjoyment this time around, and boy, are they emphatic! We have one that ends up with a somewhat clown-flavored adult text, we’ve got one that goes into full-blown rantyp[...]

Fri 12 Aug 2011 - 22:17

We’ve got three e-mails for your listening enjoyment this time around, and boy, are they emphatic! We have one that ends up with a somewhat clown-flavored adult text, we’ve got one that goes into full-blown rantypants mode, and we’ve got one dealing with producing content for FurAffinity! As usual, there are myriad other discussions, and the cast goes into their own personal pet peeves as well as we let it all hang out!

Our next episode is all about change. Recent changes in your life, changes you’re trying to make but need help with, change that you’re resisting, anything of that nature. Always remember, we’re also always taking e-mails that aren’t on the topic of the week; after all, we’re here to help you, the listener! Don’t forget to get the word out about us, too. If you’ve got a friend who’s having a rough go of it, tell them to e-mail us and we’ll do our very best to help out!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 15 – Vuvuzela Crazy Frog
File modified August 13, 2011 – 57 MB – downloaded 331 times so far

Episode 15 – Vuvuzela Crazy Frog - We’ve got three e-mails for your listening enjoyment this time around, and boy, are they emphatic! We have one that ends up with a somewhat clown-flavored adult text, we’ve got one that goes into full-blown rantyp[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 14 – Why The Net Was Born - Okay, raise your hand if you’re surprised that this got a lot of e-mails. …yeah, didn’t think so. We read six e-mails this time around, and discuss topics like canine hierarchy, how to handle people who are [...]

Fri 5 Aug 2011 - 16:05

Okay, raise your hand if you’re surprised that this got a lot of e-mails.

…yeah, didn’t think so. We read six e-mails this time around, and discuss topics like canine hierarchy, how to handle people who are upset, pregnancy, ninja bees, roleplaying vs. actual attraction, autocorrect, and other random shenanigans! We even have our own soundboard, courtesy of Smokescale Aquatos! We also drop information about the general deadline for e-mails to be written (6:00p CST on Thursday), and include other valuable information!

Our next episode is about things that irritate you. Whatever’s getting you down, whether you want advice on coping with it, advice on how to make it go away, or even just want to vent, we’re here to help! Go ahead, let it all out in Episode 15, Vuvuzela Crazy Frog!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 14 – Why The Net Was Born
File modified August 5, 2011 – 54.9 MB – downloaded 312 times so far

Episode 14 – Why The Net Was Born - Okay, raise your hand if you’re surprised that this got a lot of e-mails. …yeah, didn’t think so. We read six e-mails this time around, and discuss topics like canine hierarchy, how to handle people who are [...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 13 – Bak 2 Scool - A valuable lesson has been learned: Just because everyone has an experience in common, doesn’t necessarily mean that people want to talk about it! We’ve got a whopping two e-mails this week, one read by Halfwit an[...]

Fri 29 Jul 2011 - 21:00

A valuable lesson has been learned: Just because everyone has an experience in common, doesn’t necessarily mean that people want to talk about it! We’ve got a whopping two e-mails this week, one read by Halfwit and one read by Kyo, and we delve into laptop explosions, Samuel L. Jackson, GEDs, improving life situations, Nermal, interrupting, and lots more!

Our next week is about adult material! All of our listeners are over 18, and we assume that you’re relatively normal adults. What is it that gets you going? What artists, writers, and etc. do you like? What are your favorite sites and sources, and what makes your engine go vroom? Write in and share with us, we won’t shy away from it! (And remember, we do take anonymous e-mails!)

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 13 – Bak 2 Scool
File modified July 30, 2011 – 50.6 MB – downloaded 325 times so far

Episode 13 – Bak 2 Scool - A valuable lesson has been learned: Just because everyone has an experience in common, doesn’t necessarily mean that people want to talk about it! We’ve got a whopping two e-mails this week, one read by Halfwit an[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 12 – He Shoots, He Scores! - Wow! Looks like you really liked this topic, because this time we have TEN e-mails! We discuss Facade, Genghis Khan, Google+, parental neglect, Furry Fiesta’s origins, nicknames for the podcasters, latex dice, the furr

Fri 22 Jul 2011 - 00:32

Wow! Looks like you really liked this topic, because this time we have TEN e-mails! We discuss Facade, Genghis Khan, Google+, parental neglect, Furry Fiesta’s origins, nicknames for the podcasters, latex dice, the furry survey, living in Texas, accelerated learning, manipulative parents, and lots more! This episode is SUPER-SIZED, running double our normal length at just under two hours!

Our next episode is about school! Things you did while in school, things you’re doing while in school, how you got through it, and others! Wanting to go to school, but not sure how to get funding or what to major in? Trying to pick up some good studies, or just have good stories to share? Write in and let us know, we’re waiting to hear from you!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 12 – He Shoots, He Scores!
File modified July 22, 2011 – 108.6 MB – downloaded 322 times so far

Episode 12 – He Shoots, He Scores! - Wow! Looks like you really liked this topic, because this time we have TEN e-mails! We discuss Facade, Genghis Khan, Google+, parental neglect, Furry Fiesta’s origins, nicknames for the podcasters, latex dice, the furry[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 11 – It Begins - We’re up to five e-mails this time, almost enough for two for each person – it’s a landmark we’re really looking forward to meeting! This time, we’ve managed to keep the episode down to just a li[...]

Thu 14 Jul 2011 - 22:54

We’re up to five e-mails this time, almost enough for two for each person – it’s a landmark we’re really looking forward to meeting! This time, we’ve managed to keep the episode down to just a little over an hour, too!

For now, we’ve got questions about anger management, how to find people who are into the things you’re into, and stories about how several people got into the fandom! There are peals of laughter as Istanbul busts out his horrible Indian accent, and there’s discussion about the new anti-streaming law, among other such hilarity!

Also, since we neglected to link it last time like we said we would, click here for the My Little Pony horror game. Just don’t play it in a darkened room!

Next episode is about goals! What do you want to do with your life? Do you know yet? Do you need some advice getting there, or do you just want to discuss your plans for the future? Write in and let us know, and don’t forget, we’re always here to answer your non-topical questions as well!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 11 – It Begins
File modified July 15, 2011 – 56.1 MB – downloaded 299 times so far

Episode 11 – It Begins - We’re up to five e-mails this time, almost enough for two for each person – it’s a landmark we’re really looking forward to meeting! This time, we’ve managed to keep the episode down to just a li[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 10 – Furry and You - We’ve got a record number of e-mails this time around (4), and as a result, the show is a bit longer than usual! I promise, as we get more e-mails, we’ll cut down on the prattle a bit so that we can tend to your n[...]

Sat 9 Jul 2011 - 01:35

We’ve got a record number of e-mails this time around (4), and as a result, the show is a bit longer than usual! I promise, as we get more e-mails, we’ll cut down on the prattle a bit so that we can tend to your needs. After all, that’s what we’re all about!

This time, there are discussions of social awkwardness, the need for consumers, cookies, Kyo’s mom, the Ark of the Covenant, the fact that people being different is good…and something legitimately important, an assault on Tiger Haven, a home for big cats who have been abandoned or mistreated.

Please go here and sign their petition to continue to house their 280+ cats!

Also referenced in the show is a dazzling array of pictures of this great big mudball we live on in all its splendor. Here’s the site if you want to have a look!

Next week’s show is all about how you got into the furry fandom. Did you get introduced by a friend? Did you discover it at random through the internet? Did you simply hear about it and wonder what it was all about? Write in and let us know, and don’t forget, we’re always here to answer your non-topical questions as well!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 10 – Furry and You

Episode 10 – Furry and You - We’ve got a record number of e-mails this time around (4), and as a result, the show is a bit longer than usual! I promise, as we get more e-mails, we’ll cut down on the prattle a bit so that we can tend to your n[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 9 – The Foodening - We’re back from our little break, and we’ve got a great show for you today! Two on-topic e-mails and one update on a story arc that has spanned nearly the entire length of this podcast, plus more! Cookies, terrify[...]

Fri 1 Jul 2011 - 07:52

We’re back from our little break, and we’ve got a great show for you today! Two on-topic e-mails and one update on a story arc that has spanned nearly the entire length of this podcast, plus more! Cookies, terrifying mothers, oranges, mind control, and a report from Istanbul about Anthrocon! Give this one a listen to hear Kyo finally lose it and squirm like a fish out of water!

Next week’s episode is about how you interact with the fandom. Are you a writer, an artist, a musician? Do you host websites, attend conventions, critique, or just bask in the glory that is the furry community as a whole and partake of its bounty? Write in, we want to hear from you!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 9 – The Foodening

Episode 9 – The Foodening - We’re back from our little break, and we’ve got a great show for you today! Two on-topic e-mails and one update on a story arc that has spanned nearly the entire length of this podcast, plus more! Cookies, terrify[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 8 – Salt Mines - The podcast is really starting to pick up steam, now! This week we have a bevy of e-mails, including discussion of more Tennessee derp, a story about a co-worker on the wrong side of cah-razy, an update on a previous writer[...]

Fri 17 Jun 2011 - 18:05

The podcast is really starting to pick up steam, now! This week we have a bevy of e-mails, including discussion of more Tennessee derp, a story about a co-worker on the wrong side of cah-razy, an update on a previous writer’s situation, and questions about streaming! As for the rest of it, well…nothing I can/should post here, you’ll have to listen to find out!

Don’t worry if you don’t see a podcast from us next week – as previously mentioned, Istanbul will be at Anthrocon, so we’re going to skip a week. Our next recording will be on June 30th, and our topic will be FOOD!

Foods you love, foods you hate!
Funny stories about things you ate!
Stuff that made your stomach hurty.
Write on in before 6/30!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]

Episode 8 – Salt Mines

Episode 8 – Salt Mines - The podcast is really starting to pick up steam, now! This week we have a bevy of e-mails, including discussion of more Tennessee derp, a story about a co-worker on the wrong side of cah-razy, an update on a previous writer[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 7 – Family Ties - This week, we explore our first episode with a topic! We handle two e-mails this time around, one of them from someone telling us all about his crazy family, and the other a follow-up e-mail from a previous week about stalker[...

Sun 12 Jun 2011 - 00:44

This week, we explore our first episode with a topic! We handle two e-mails this time around, one of them from someone telling us all about his crazy family, and the other a follow-up e-mail from a previous week about stalker behavior and what’s being done about it!

Next week’s topic is the workplace. What’s your job like? Do you enjoy it, do you hate it, do you need one, what’s the story there? Write in with any questions or comments you may have, whether topical or otherwise, and we’ll read them on the air! Write in before Thursday to have your e-mail read on Episode 8 – Salt Mines!

Per usual, e-mails go to [email protected], our FA account is fuzzylogicpodcast, and our Twitter account is fuzzylogiccast – give us a listen, and write in!

Episode 7 – Family Ties

Episode 7 – Family Ties - This week, we explore our first episode with a topic! We handle two e-mails this time around, one of them from someone telling us all about his crazy family, and the other a follow-up e-mail from a previous week about stalker[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 6 – Shazam! - What?! Two episodes in two weeks? That’s right, and we have three e-mails this time! We handle horrific writing, advise people on how to handle the stalker-tastic, and we discuss something that we can’t read about[...]

Sun 5 Jun 2011 - 22:22

What?! Two episodes in two weeks? That’s right, and we have three e-mails this time! We handle horrific writing, advise people on how to handle the stalker-tastic, and we discuss something that we can’t read about self-confidence. Don’t forget, if you’re under 18 *and you tell us so*, we can’t read your e-mail on the air!

This is just a little reminder: Istanbul will be at Anthrocon, so there won’t be a recording that week. However, we still plan to record on the 9th and 16th (and the 30th, when Istanbul will have a con report), so don’t forget to tune in!

Per usual, e-mails go to [email protected], our FA account is fuzzylogicpodcast, and our Twitter account is fuzzylogiccast – give us a listen, and write in!

Episode 6 – Shazam

Episode 6 – Shazam! - What?! Two episodes in two weeks? That’s right, and we have three e-mails this time! We handle horrific writing, advise people on how to handle the stalker-tastic, and we discuss something that we can’t read about[...]
Categories: Podcasts