Fuzzy Logic
Episode 43 – Nerdgasm - It’s nerdgasm time, people! Fair warning: Kyo and Halfwit had both been drinking before the show, and you can tell! We get Smokey’s word of the week, a rant about the improper use of the race card, the ending of R[...]
It’s nerdgasm time, people! Fair warning: Kyo and Halfwit had both been drinking before the show, and you can tell! We get Smokey’s word of the week, a rant about the improper use of the race card, the ending of RuPaul’s Drag Race spoiled for all and sundry, and other such magnificent gems as a colossal Gary Coleman in Drag and what would happen if Julia Roberts and Beeker (yes, the muppet) had a kid. Yikes!
Once we hit our e-mails, we discuss all sorts of nerding out. Aquatic animals, role-playing games, sports, kung fu movies, Final Fantasy, music, books…you name it, someone’s nerding all over it!
We also discuss getting out of an ultra-conservative environment, drug-addled housemates, the pain of living in Ohio, and Metroid Other M and how it irritates the cast. Kyo is so far gone that this week, we even have a stand-in. Are you ready for Sassy Isty?
Next week’s topic is all about parents. You know, the people who made you what you are today…literally! Do you need help getting along with them? Are you trying to tell them something and you don’t know how? Are they just insane in the membrane? Write in with any questions you may have, that’s why we’re here!
Incidentally, over the course of the podcast, there’s discussion of what a vagina looks like to a gay man, as well as a mention of a Crayon Dragon video. Click on the related links for more info!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 43 – Nerdgasm
File modified May 4, 2012 – 71.8 MB – downloaded 886 times so far
Episode 42 – Bucket List - Episode 42, and not a single Hitchhiker’s Guide reference! Aside from that one. This week’s show is full of humor, along with a few bucket lists and the like! We lead off with Ramesh and Hajib, discussing topics l[...]
Episode 42, and not a single Hitchhiker’s Guide reference! Aside from that one. This week’s show is full of humor, along with a few bucket lists and the like! We lead off with Ramesh and Hajib, discussing topics like the Aliens franchise, Squirrelking Appreciation Day, the fact that we are all Anthrocons, Furry Fiesta’s impending pre-registration (May 1st!), RuPaul’s Drag Race and Kyo’s favorite Sharon Needles, and all sorts of other tomfoolery!
Once we start off with e-mails, we discuss several bucket lists, and also finally finish Wraeth’s (Gabriel’s?) three-part epic e-mail! We discuss getting published, fame and the desire for it, the need to take care of things before moving across the country, the Good Idea Fairy, skydiving, and Kyo’s word (phrase) of the week, something a lot of people will find useful. We even go into how to combine bucket list items, and the cast discusses their bucket lists as well!
Incidentally, want to learn more about Squirrelking Appreciation Day? Hit up this website to learn more about it, see the machinima that’s been created about it, and start work on your own! Also, have you been enjoying the music we’ve been putting into our episodes? Many of them, including this week’s offering, have been created by the artist Jared Hudson. For more of his work, you can click here and get an easy-to-reference list of his more high-profile works!
Next week’s podcast is all about nerdgasm. Everybody has that one thing they love to geek out over, whether it’s board games, collections, vidya, movies, music, or other such miscellany. What makes you squee with joy when you find out that there’s a new entry in your material of choice? What will make you skip out on whatever stands in your way of getting that hot new item? In fact, do you need help because you nerdgasm out a little too much – or too frequently – over your chosen subject matter? Write in and tell us!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 42 – Bucket List
File modified April 27, 2012 – 65.2 MB – downloaded 429 times so far
Episode 41 – Curveballs - It’s time for episode 41, and wow, is it a big one! Could it have anything to do with the reintroduction of purple? Possibly! We start off with discussions about how to have a little more humility and appreciate the thi[...]
It’s time for episode 41, and wow, is it a big one! Could it have anything to do with the reintroduction of purple? Possibly! We start off with discussions about how to have a little more humility and appreciate the things you have, the recent rescue for Fernando’s up in Pittsburg (which is going amazingly well and is awesome), the recent issues with FurAffinity and what should probably be done, and Istanbul comes out with his word of the week, a Word That Sounds Dirty But Isn’t!
Once we move on to our e-mails, it’s a whole different kettle of fish. We get Kyo’s opinion on Lady Gaga, along with how much you should help and how to deal with assistance vampires, prioritizing your money and budgeting for luxuries vs. needs, figuring out where – and why – to move, getting through some of life’s rougher spots, dealing with inadequate education, how to handle furmeets of your own, a way to pacify parents who just don’t understand, and scads more!
Next week’s topic is all about your Bucket List…you know, the things you want to do before you die. Whether it’s something you want to see, somewhere you want to go, something you want to learn…whatever it may be, what do you want to accomplish before you take the ultimate snooze? Drop us a line and let us know!
Also, since we discuss the prospect of donations to Fernando’s, why not give you a link? Just hit up http://unclekage.livejournal.com/ and click on that Donate button to lend a helping paw for a good cause – anything you can give is welcome!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 41 – Curveball
File modified April 20, 2012 – 84 MB – downloaded 519 times so far
Episode 40 – Called It - Our fortieth episode we present And never once will we repent. Poor Kyo’s not on this week’s show, For reasons you don’t need to know. Word of the week, it’s Halfwit’s turn More on Trayvon Martin[...]
Our fortieth episode we present
And never once will we repent.
Poor Kyo’s not on this week’s show,
For reasons you don’t need to know.
Word of the week, it’s Halfwit’s turn
More on Trayvon Martin you’ll learn.
Wisconsin’s acting awful dim,
And Smokey’s writing. Learn from him!
We chat a lot on D&D
And prattle on geography.
When e-mails come – they will, have faith -
We hear a little more from Wraeth
There’s ranting on low self-esteem
Where acclaim is your greatest dream
An amish iPad, ditching books
Coping without getting looks
Not one soul needed help this time
So I got bored and wrote this rhyme!
Next week’s topic is all about the nasty little surprises life throws at us. As the song says, the real problems in your life are liable to blindside you at 4:00 PM on some idle Tuesday. How do you deal with things like that? Do you need help dealing with some little shock that’s got you reeling? Drop us a line!
Also, a little bonus content. There’s a game called Die Anstalt, reachable by clicking on this link. Apparently, plush animals have taken to resorting to insanity as a form of mental defense. Can you cure them all? A bunch of different forms of therapy, different neuroses, and a variety of patients make this one a lot of fun. Give it a try!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 40 – Called It
File modified April 14, 2012 – 52.2 MB – downloaded 605 times so far
Episode 39 – Consumption - Fortunately, we don’t mean the sort of consumption that they meant in medieval times. Right? We start off with discussions of Smokey’s word of the week, how to get tips properly in the service industry, basic cour[...]
Fortunately, we don’t mean the sort of consumption that they meant in medieval times. Right? We start off with discussions of Smokey’s word of the week, how to get tips properly in the service industry, basic courtesy on when to come in for your shift at work, an amusing story about a fake iPad, murdering monsters with food, and other such miscellaneous randomness. The e-mails start a few minutes into the show, leading us to an update on Kodyax’s situation, a cure to vampire insanity, yet another amazing idea (Mythbusters cartoon!), how to get into horror/survival games, stories of how a listener got into the fandom, a fresh new argument between Frost’s folks, and all sorts of recommendations about what media people enjoy!
Next week’s episode is all about expectations! Things you expect to happen, whether in your life or in the world at large or what-have-you. Need some help making sure your expectations happen, or need some help avoiding some of your more negative ones? Just need some assistance with anything in your life? Write in, the entire point of Fuzzy Logic is to help you through your life!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 39 – Consumption
File modified April 6, 2012 – 72.9 MB – downloaded 479 times so far
Episode 38 – New Coke - Thirty eight episodes already? Sheesh, time sure does fly! We’ve got three e-mails this week, plus an original document written up that’s long enough to be an e-mail, so each cast member gets to read one item! Our[...]
Thirty eight episodes already? Sheesh, time sure does fly! We’ve got three e-mails this week, plus an original document written up that’s long enough to be an e-mail, so each cast member gets to read one item! Our discussion period includes topics like a live showing of Casablanca, how research can be manipulated to give false returns, how Rick Santorum is the new Newt Gingrich, how Trayvon got shot – and how irresponsibly it’s being handled on both sides of the equation – and more!
Once our e-mails get started, it’s a whole new ballgame! We’ve got a discussion on how to maintain eye contact to get a job without freaking out the interviewer, how to get out of a bad situation where someone is using a medical condition as an emotional wedge, how to best deal with having convention roommates that you don’t (or do!) know, and an update on how to handle an abusive living situation…along with our Sassy Kyo of the week, followed by the word(s) of the week, also from Sassy Kyo!
Also, we’ve got a brand new feature we’re hoping you’ll like! We’ve started including a music break in the middle of each episode, to help break things up a little bit and to give us an opportunity to go boom-boom in peace. Our first offering is “Battle for the Badge” by Fishy, from the Pokemon: The Missingno Tracks collection off of OCRemix. Imagine the gym leader theme music as done by a metal band, and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what to expect. It’s pretty sweet, we assure you!
Next week’s topic is Media You Like. What are some of your favorite things? TV shows, flash animations, games, movies, things of that nature? Help us to get to know you a little bit better, and offer up some suggestions to enrich the lives of the other listeners. We want this to be a positive topic…but we’re still here for you if you need help, so don’t be afraid to write in!
Want to see the video referenced in the first e-mail? Click here to have a look at it on YouTube? Alternately, want a copy of the list Istanbul read of things to watch for in a roommate? Click here for a direct link!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 38 – New Coke
File modified March 31, 2012 – 67.7 MB – downloaded 230 times so far
Episode 37 – Three Wishes - That’s right, it’s that time again! We’re back to our normal update schedule, and we’ve got three e-mails to cover this week! Our first segment covers Dethklok, Whitney Houston and Tina Turner, Charlie[...]
That’s right, it’s that time again! We’re back to our normal update schedule, and we’ve got three e-mails to cover this week! Our first segment covers Dethklok, Whitney Houston and Tina Turner, Charlie Brown, Kyo losing it within the first ten minutes again, our Word of the Week, Superman, and more!
Once we finally make it to the e-mails, we have how to get a social group together, going to more furry conventions (and a plug for Fur The ‘More), how to spread the word, how wishes could backfire, becoming one’s fursona, an update on the listener stuck with the crazy father, how Aspberger’s Syndrome works and how it can or can’t be controlled, how much money one needs, the future of the podcast, Istanbul’s horrible fake crying, and more. The cast even gives their three wishes at the very end!
Also, we promised to include this in the show notes, so here’s some information on Fur The ‘More!
Fur The ‘More official website: http://furthemore.org/
Fur The ‘More FA Page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/furthemore/
Fur The ‘More Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/#!/furthemore
Next week’s episode is all about Bad Ideas. Have you had a bad idea recently, and you’re trying to get it out of your mind? Already acted on it, and need some help dealing with the consequences? Just plain have an idea, and need to air it out to determine whether or not it’s bad? Drop us a line, we’re here to help!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 37 – Three Wishes
File modified March 24, 2012 – 52.9 MB – downloaded 763 times so far
Episode 36 – Know Thyself - That’s right, it’s already time for Episode 36! We’ve got unfavorable comparisons of Kyo to Grimace, a quick English lesson from Halfwit, how to contact someone appropriately, a Big Trouble in Little China r[...]
That’s right, it’s already time for Episode 36! We’ve got unfavorable comparisons of Kyo to Grimace, a quick English lesson from Halfwit, how to contact someone appropriately, a Big Trouble in Little China reference, a fake pause, and that’s before we even get into our six e-mails! Within said e-mails, we have discussions of how to ‘come out’ as a furry, Twilight-induced insanity, dealing with bullying, how to get a social night together, how to quit an abusive job, how to keep from seeming too enthusiastic, and an update on Frost’s situation with his folks. Finally, the podcasters open up and explain how they see themselves!
Next week’s episode is something a little more fanciful than most. Three wishes! What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in a position where you could make three wishes that could come true? The only stipulation is ‘no wishing for more wishes’, because OMG cheating, and that totally removes the entire point of the podcast. What kinds of changes would you make to the world if it was a matter of just giving the word? Write on in and let us know!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 36 – Know Thyself
File modified March 18, 2012 – 80.3 MB – downloaded 466 times so far
Episode 35 – Giant Crying Kyo - The second of our unusually dense cluster of podcasts is ready to go! We’ve got all sorts of good stuff going on, ranging from the con report to ridiculous scavenger hunt tomfoolery, from Dragon Ball Z / Princess Bride [...
The second of our unusually dense cluster of podcasts is ready to go! We’ve got all sorts of good stuff going on, ranging from the con report to ridiculous scavenger hunt tomfoolery, from Dragon Ball Z / Princess Bride crossovers to the nature of pie, and that’s before we even get into the e-mails! Once we do get going, we cover our six e-mails! There’s discussion of escapism and moderation, the ability to change one’s own life, Kyo being possessed and his breasts falling out shortly before he absolutely loses it for about a solid minute, an update on Marcus Noble’s uncle, relationship trigonometry, questions about convention etiquette, and so much more!
This coming week’s topic is about self-perception. How you see yourself, what you want to improve about yourself, your best attributes, and so on! Let us know who you see when you look in the mirror, and tell us if you need a bit of a hand in gaining some perspective. For that matter, let us know if you need any assistance overall; we’re here to help, after all!
For the sake of spacing, our next episode will be recorded on Thursday as usual, and will be posted on Saturday, March 17th. After that, we’re back to our normal schedule!
(Also, don’t worry about the podcast title. A bit of an inside joke!)
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 35 – Giant Crying Kyo
File modified March 13, 2012 – 80.2 MB – downloaded 467 times so far
Episode 34 – Fuzzy Logic LIVE! - That’s right, it’s time for the first Fuzzy Logic LIVE episode! All possible thanks go to Buck Hopper, audiomage extraordinaire, for going toe-to-toe with our technical difficulties! Be warned, this is unlike any [...]
That’s right, it’s time for the first Fuzzy Logic LIVE episode! All possible thanks go to Buck Hopper, audiomage extraordinaire, for going toe-to-toe with our technical difficulties! Be warned, this is unlike any episode of Fuzzy Logic you’ve heard before, with a plethora of new voices to go with the ones you’re so used to hearing! We cover living situations, bacon milkshakes (seriously), Kyo’s vagoo, what you do for fun, and a small army of other topics. We have audio cameos by renowned furry rapper and friend of the podcast Bucktown Tiger, a brief snippet from Glass, and choice words from our live audience – you lot are a rowdy bunch, but we’re not complaining!
So, you might be asking, what about Episode 35? Well, rather than create a drought of content, we’d rather create a flood! Episode 34 is being published today, the morning of Friday, March 9th. Episode 35 will be published on the evening of Monday, March 12th, and Episode 36 – which will be all about self-perception, how you feel about yourself, how to overcome low self-esteem and get a realistic self-image – will be published on Saturday, March 17th! After that, we’ll return to our normal publishing schedule, so that you aren’t buried under podcasts! Write in with anything with which you need help, and we’ll be there for you!
P.S.: If you attended Furry Fiesta, check out this link here for a message sent by Derek, CARE’s respresentative…and a special offer extended to anyone with a Furry Fiesta badge!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 34 – Fuzzy Logic LIVE!
File modified March 9, 2012 – 61.5 MB – downloaded 363 times so far
Fuzzy Logic Special #2 – Beneath the Hide – Istanbul - Sorry for the protracted absence! We didn’t record on February 16th because we wanted to save up, and then we had a fantastic live podcast at Furry Fiesta!…with which we’re now having some technical d
Sorry for the protracted absence! We didn’t record on February 16th because we wanted to save up, and then we had a fantastic live podcast at Furry Fiesta!…with which we’re now having some technical difficulties. Don’t worry, some of the best in the business are on the job even now working to repair the files, and we’ll be recording again on Thursday, March 8th! We’ll upload the Furry Fiesta Live show as soon as it’s ready!
Even so, we know it’s been a while since we put anything out for public consumption, so here’s a blast from the past: Buck Hopper, audiosmith extraordinaire, interviewed Istanbul at Furry Fiesta 2011. The convention’s history, future plans, and other such things were discussed. The entire thing has been kept comparatively quiet for a rainy day, and boy, is it raining! It’s about 18 minutes long, and it’s a good lead-in to this week’s topic:
Anniversaries! This coming recording will mark the one-year anniversary of Fuzzy Logic’s birth, not counting Episode 0. So, we want to hear about some of the landmarks in your life! What have you celebrated recently? What are some momentous events that have happened to you, whether or not you commemorate them on a yearly basis? Also, don’t forget: the primary purpose of Fuzzy Logic is to help you, the listener, with any roadblocks you may be encountering in your life. Any time you need advice or support, that’s our top priority!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Fuzzy Logic Special #2 – Beneath the Hide – Istanbul
File modified March 5, 2012 – 16.5 MB – downloaded 468 times so far
Episode 33 – Luffins - That’s right, our thirty-third episode is up, and boy does it start out weird! We go into everything from Proposition 8 to littering, from tunnel vision to anti-Ellen activists, from Smokey’s Word of the Week to F[...]
That’s right, our thirty-third episode is up, and boy does it start out weird! We go into everything from Proposition 8 to littering, from tunnel vision to anti-Ellen activists, from Smokey’s Word of the Week to FurAffinity’s upcoming downtime…and that’s before we even hit the e-mails! We’ve got only two this week, one of them discussing the merits of sex vs. love and the other discussing how not to ruin Valentine’s Day – or other holidays – if you’re single. Remember, be considerate of the people around you, and you’ll be a much happier person!
Our next episode will be recorded LIVE at Furry Fiesta, and we need your e-mails! These will be read live in front of our audience and replied to…and hey, if you’re going to be at Furry Fiesta, just bring up a topic and we’ll go for it on-the-spot! We won’t have a recording on the 16th of February, because, well…first, the week before Furry Fiesta is going to be turbo-insane, and second, we want to save our e-mails for the live show! Get in contact with us and help us put on a great show!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 33 – Luffins
File modified February 10, 2012 – 43.6 MB – downloaded 1044 times so far
Episode 32 – Free Admission - Our thirty-second episode is up and ready to go! We opt to forego the usual intro, as it just wouldn’t be the same without Smokescale…plus, we’ve got three e-mails this week! We go into topics such as differ[...]
Our thirty-second episode is up and ready to go! We opt to forego the usual intro, as it just wouldn’t be the same without Smokescale…plus, we’ve got three e-mails this week! We go into topics such as differing ideologies and tolerance, basic phone manners, and a case of parental neglect – a different one, this time! There’s also discussion of the fate of Smokey’s butt, Furry Fiesta shenanigans, our presence on iTunes, Anthrocon’s hotel registration (and why not to stay at the Omni), burning sensations, politics, and a lot more random madness!
Next week’s topic is about LOVE. Sure, we’ve covered this once before, but it’s the episode right before Valentine’s Day, so we figure it’s worth another look. Having trouble with the mate? Looking to find one in the first place? Someone making advances on you and you’re not sure how to handle it? Drop us a line!
Finally, don’t forget: we have a live recording at Furry Fiesta in just a few short weeks, so we need to start building up a backlog of e-mails! Start sending us e-mails with [FF] in the subject line if you want them saved for the live show!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 32 – Free Admission
File modified February 3, 2012 – 58.3 MB – downloaded 529 times so far
Episode 31 – Mini-Me - It’s that time again, boys and girls (and everything else)! Sorry about the intro getting interrupted, but you can expect a lot more “no” if PIPA gets put through and/or SOPA is revived and snuck through whe[...]
It’s that time again, boys and girls (and everything else)! Sorry about the intro getting interrupted, but you can expect a lot more “no” if PIPA gets put through and/or SOPA is revived and snuck through when nobody’s looking. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, after all! We’ve got three e-mails this time, though two are from Sclariqrevk; remember, all of the rest of you are allowed – even encouraged! – to e-mail us with your issue! The last is from a listener whose brother is having a really rough time of things. Lots of doors have been closed, but we try to pry open any possible venue to help! We’ve also got a rant about drama vs. conflict, our word of the week (this), Harry Belafonte, Final Fantasy, 2-D vs. 3-D, icecapades, Obama’s state of the union address, and other various and sundry items!
Next week’s show is going to be something entirely new. We’re going to be doing a show about confessions. All e-mails will be completely anonymous, and we encourage the usage of services like gmail and Hotmail to create new accounts through which to send us anything you want to get off of your chest. As usual, we’re also perfectly willing to field any requests for help or other topics. Remember, we want to hear from you – you ARE Fuzzy Logic!
Also, we will be recording our first LIVE episode of Fuzzy Logic at Furry Fiesta this year, on February 24th at 9:00p. We want to invite all of our listeners to come and join us, and we want you to send us e-mails to read on the show; if you want us to save what you send for the live show, just include that in the subject line!
Finally, Kyo should have us live on iTunes sometime over the weekend; come Monday, check for us!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
Episode 31 – Mini-Me
File modified January 27, 2012 – 70.1 MB – downloaded 750 times so far
Episode 30 – Tab A Slot B - Our podcast has regained the purple, and – with no conventions in our plans until Furry Fiesta – we should have him for several episodes to come! We go through three e-mails this week, including one praising the p[...]
Our podcast has regained the purple, and – with no conventions in our plans until Furry Fiesta – we should have him for several episodes to come! We go through three e-mails this week, including one praising the podcast, one asking about what kinds of toys the cast likes, and one update from Richter about the sleep issues upon which we advised him! Also covered is Kyo’s experience at Further Confusion, how the podcast will handle popularity, a Legend of Zelda concert, Pee Wee Herman, and lots more of whatever it is we do!
Next week’s topic is all about your childhood and nostalgia. What was it like growing up for you? What are some of your fondest childhood memories? What do you need help getting over? What would you love to see revisited (Reboot), and what do you wish they’d let sit (Yogi Bear, Smurfs, Garfield, etc.)? Let us delve into your past, and remember: we’re here for you, your e-mails are the entire reason Fuzzy Logic exists!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
Episode 30 – Tab A Slot B
File modified January 20, 2012 – 58.4 MB – downloaded 677 times so far
Fuzzy Logic Special #1 – Sclariqrevk’s Poetry Jam - Well, we said we were going to do it…and we sure did! Contained in this little (less than five minutes) nugget of joy is the e-mail we received that was just too stream-of-consciousness to read on the ai
Well, we said we were going to do it…and we sure did! Contained in this little (less than five minutes) nugget of joy is the e-mail we received that was just too stream-of-consciousness to read on the air. So, what did we do? We turned it into its own little whatever-this-is! Istanbul provides the voice of Trent from the TV show Daria, and the music…well, do you recognize it? Are you nerdy enough?
We’re still doing our usual podcast this week, don’t fret, this is just a little bonus we’re putting out there for everybody!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
Fuzzy Logic Special #1 – Sclariqrevk’s Poetry Jam
File modified January 11, 2012 – 4.4 MB – downloaded 973 times so far
Episode 29 – Man in the Mirror - We’ve got our Kyo back! For this week, anyway, as he’s off to Further Confusion next week…but then he’ll be back! There’s a variety of topics to discuss, ranging from Sclariqrevk’s smooth j[...]
We’ve got our Kyo back! For this week, anyway, as he’s off to Further Confusion next week…but then he’ll be back! There’s a variety of topics to discuss, ranging from Sclariqrevk’s smooth jazz e-mail to meta-resolutions to un-filtering one’s behavior and how to deal with irritating weeaboos! We discuss Bucktown’s shows, taint-hole spiders, Kyo’s home disaster, the cast as Wizard of Oz equivalents, and various and sundry other we-don’t-even-know-whats.
Next week’s episode is all about that most adult of topics, sex! Are you having difficulties with the mechanics? Want to know the best way to get your relationship to that next level? Just want to discuss the matter as a whole? Send in your e-mails and we’ll help!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
Episode 29 – Man in the Mirror
File modified January 7, 2012 – 54 MB – downloaded 607 times so far
Episode 28 – Squid Tidbits - It’s our second of two Kyo-less shows, and we’ve got a lot to talk about! We go into detail about Smokey being formally added as a cast member, valuing the people around you, nice-but-irritating people, inconsider[...]
It’s our second of two Kyo-less shows, and we’ve got a lot to talk about! We go into detail about Smokey being formally added as a cast member, valuing the people around you, nice-but-irritating people, inconsiderate dorm roommates, and where our new listeners came from (hi there!). We also discuss the Three Stooges, smooth jazz, the cast’s assorted elements, obscure movie quotes, and other various and sundry madness. Join us! Jooooooin uuuuuus…
Next week’s episode is all about resolutions. We’ll be recording on January 5th, so you’ll have a few days to break those brand new resolutions! What have you resolved to do? What do you need help accomplishing? Are you still working on resolutions from last year? (Hey, it’s not that uncommon.) Write in and let us know!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
Episode 28 – Squid Tidbits
File modified December 31, 2011 – 47.9 MB – downloaded 628 times so far
Episode 27 – Fuzzy Ogic - This is the first of two episodes wherein we’re missing a Kyo – which may be for the best, since he’s going to KILL US ALL when he gets back – and we’ve got five e-mails to read! Everything from [...]
This is the first of two episodes wherein we’re missing a Kyo – which may be for the best, since he’s going to KILL US ALL when he gets back – and we’ve got five e-mails to read! Everything from relationship woes to health issues, from computer brands to writer’s block, we’ve got your back! This episode opens with a reading from Smokescale of his own original – VERY original – work, and we’ve got Istanbul’s horrible word of the week, the origins of Justin Bieber, Smokescale’s credits as a nerd, and other assorted malarky and nonsense!
Next week’s topic is…open! That’s right, it’s been quite a while since we had an open topic week. Sure, every week is technically open topic week in that we’re here to help you with any problem you may have, but we’re going to see how it goes when we don’t include a topic for one week. Write on in, we want to hear from you!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
Episode 27 – Fuzzy Ogic
File modified December 23, 2011 – 46.2 MB – downloaded 698 times so far
Episode 26 – Less Than Three - We’ve got an hour-long episode for you this week, with three e-mails to read and a lot of information! We discuss how to deal with people who just want to use you, how to handle a difficult relationship situation, and h[...]
We’ve got an hour-long episode for you this week, with three e-mails to read and a lot of information! We discuss how to deal with people who just want to use you, how to handle a difficult relationship situation, and how to…whatever the heck Sclariqrevk is doing! We also tangent off about the end of the Iraq war, SOPA and NDAA, how to end a conversation, and lots more! The standard shenanigans ensue, as well: Istanbul goes on a rant about priorities, there’s mention of what kind of Pokemon Kyo is and banana pudding and fake homework and careface and vaginal tractor beams and lots more!
Next week’s episode will be recording on the 22nd of December, so it’s going to be our Christmas episode! This one is all about this most conspicuous of holidays. Not sure of what to do? Need a new tradition, or need an old one wiped out? Unsure of how to handle the awkwardly religious, or the awkwardly anti-religious? Send an e-mail about these or any other topics, we’re here to help!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
Episode 26 – Less Than Three
File modified December 16, 2011 – 59.3 MB – downloaded 659 times so far