Fuzzy Logic
Episode 81 – Bazookas - A day earlier than usual you say? Well that’s because we’re changing our recording schedule! Due to relocation and the great strain it would put on cast members to be in attendance every week, we’re backing [...]
A day earlier than usual you say? Well that’s because we’re changing our recording schedule! Due to relocation and the great strain it would put on cast members to be in attendance every week, we’re backing down to every other week. We’ll record Wednesday nights two weeks apart, giving you all extra time to write in! Sorry for the inconvenience, but it’s the best solution we can come up with to make sure everyone can still attend.
Speaking of, we were minus a Halfwit for this show as she was not at all well. We wish her a speedy recovery and miss her lots.
Anyway, we dive right in this week with Kyo talking about all of the drag contests, drawings, and such that he’s won, as well as converting someone to the way of the dragulator. Smokey goes on WAY too long about how much the noob he’s training isn’t going to work out and how much he would like to strangle him. Isty discusses the move he’s undergone as well as the problem of getting a full time job near his new place of residence. We wish him the best of luck in his endeavors, the best of luck to Kyo with his drag projects, and Smokey when he finally snaps and strangles the new guy with a mouse cord.
There were only three emails for this show, so we were able to focus rather nicely on them. The first discussed the writer’s friend seriously considering a rather drastic move (to New Zealand from the United States) and how to deal with this. The second talked about how another fur deals with stress. He mentions his struggle with depression (don’t cut yourself anymore dude! We like our listeners alive and not needing medical care!) by way of music and his pet lizard. The third is from long-time listener and writer, Marcus Nobel who updates us on his job situation as well as reporting on Fur The More.
Whacky shenanigans abound and yet we managed to squeeze this into just over an hour. There were some difficulties what with the new recording location but those should be ironed out in due course.
Next show’s topic will be “Somebody should really say something, so just say it already”. You know those times where you just know someone needs to step up and have the guts to say something about someone or a situation? Yeah, that’s what this is all about. Tell us about the times where you’ve wished you could have said something, or when you actually did. Are you looking for help in how to approach such a situation so you can work up the courage to be the one to speak up? Let us know! If you want your emails to remain anonymous, we can accommodate. Let us know at the start of the message and we will redact any information you request.
Remember, you have two weeks before the next show. That’s plenty of time! Write on in so we can help you out! Let us know what you think of the show! Changes are coming! Stick around!
Also, you might have noticed a couple of bleeps in there. If you can guess what it is we bleeped, you win a prize!*
*you don’t actually get a prize, sorry, budget issues.
Music – “Take Me Home” by After Midnight Project
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 81 – Bazookas
File modified April 11, 2013 – 60.9 MB – downloaded 0 times so far
Episode 80 – Away Mode - Greetings once more dear listeners! It is I, the Smokey one here to greet you once again! Discussion topics ranged from a possible (though unconfirmed) case of religious intolerance in Florida Atlantic University, through the[...]
Greetings once more dear listeners! It is I, the Smokey one here to greet you once again!
Discussion topics ranged from a possible (though unconfirmed) case of religious intolerance in Florida Atlantic University, through the Supreme Court deliberation on Prop 8 and D.O.M.A. on over to Kyo urging everyone to help save Radio Comix (link at the bottom of the show notes), and me going a little Matt Mirah on the cast as I geeked out about space and the American Space Program. What I failed to mention was what Wil Wheaton had tweeted, a kickstarter to edit down “We are the explorers” to a 30 second clip to be used as a teaser trailer before “Star Trek: Into Darkness” and several other films. Link to that below as well. My apologies on that, I was distracted by cool, shiny ships!
This week, we discuss vacationing! With three e-mails left over from the previous show, we had quite a lot of reading material! So, we carefully reheated them in the oven then the stove because the microwave would have made them rubbery and we read them first. We received an update from a previous message about an unfortunate aunt and how she interfered with going to FWA, another message from our lovable Aussie friend Abion, and an update regarding a young man who has only just recently begin to reconnect with his biological family.
From there we moved on to the emails for this week and we had a lot of really good tips and tricks for traveling, as well as a cautionary tale for those who had not crashed with fellow furs while on vacation. When staying at another fur’s house, use caution. One doesn’t know what one might find in the home of another! The cast even offered brief discussion on where they would like to travel if they could. Want to know about past vacations taken by the four? Write in and ask!
Next week, we will not be recording as half the cast prepares for an eminent move. We will record the week after and we want you to write in and tell us what you think of the show, not just how much you might enjoy it, though we do appreciate that, but more what you would like out of the show. Tell us what you would like to hear more or less of, topics you want us to discuss, format changes you wish to see. We are here because of you and we want to keep providing quality content you enjoy. For us to do that effectively, we need feedback. Even negative feedback (provided it is of course of the constructive type, all attempts at making Kyo’s lady parts pucker and shrivel will not be read on the air… but they will be read aloud to him).
So the next topic is not so much a topic as an open letter, inviting you to tell us what you want to hear. You make our show possible. Without you… well, that ‘quality’ would be of a very different sort and no one wants that!
Help Save Radio Comix – Be sure to read the description. Though the goal says it’s only $4000 which they’ve more than doubled already, the actual amount they owe is ten times that. There’s still quite a bit of time left. Please, give if you can. They’ve been a big part of the fandom. Don’t let them fade away.
‘We Are The Explorers’ Trailer for the Space Program – Peter Cullins’ legendary voice fit perfectly with this idea. Now they want to trim it down to a 30 second clip to show as a trailer before select films to put the space program back into the consciousness of the public. They’re already close to their goal, but it doesn’t hurt to give a little more, especially if you’re a NASA fan like Smokey. The original video is there as well. When Optimus Prime tells you to go to space… you don’t question it, you just go to space!
This week’s music break:
Fall Out Boy – Light ‘Em Up
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 80 – Away Mode
File modified March 29, 2013 – 77.2 MB – downloaded 32 times so far
Episode 79 – Family Values - Greetings and welcome dear and venerable listeners. It is I, the blue and grey scaled one taking command of the website for the time being. Fear not, the hare is still very much here, staring over my shoulder, glaring at me a[
Greetings and welcome dear and venerable listeners. It is I, the blue and grey scaled one taking command of the website for the time being. Fear not, the hare is still very much here, staring over my shoulder, glaring at me as I write. I feel his eyes boring into me like… well nevermind that.
Tonight’s show had nine e-mails waiting, but alas we could not read them all. We attempted to read the most relevant messages, saving three letters for the next show. Our deepest apologies. We do so hate not getting through all our e-mails in a single show.
We begin with having forgotten what this episode was to be called and learning something that explains a good deal about Kyo and how he became the way he became. From there we move on to Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Halfwit letting another lady fondle her to discover that yes… those are indeed real, Kyo using his prosthetic breasts as a melee weapon, and all of this before Istanbul is slain by a gunshot wound to the head. And immediately revived.
Cast discussion involved me explaining a story about the strife my family has been going through within the last week, and all that it meant. Halfwit’s word of the week ‘Aver’ is provided and her topic runs away. Istanbul mentions the new pope, though it seems he has trouble pronouncing it, we have begun his elocution lessons, and then mentions that we have been nominated for an Ursa Major award! I made some terrible my little pony reference and we moved on. Kyo described a video series he intends to start up soon regarding lessons in how to um… ‘werk’ I believe it is… your drag.
When we get to the e-mails, we have five that we read. The first was about a dragon fellow who has grown distant with his parents, which drew out a good deal of discussion. The second was a bit simpler, asking about the appropriate level of swearing which was answered fairly quickly. The third was about a young fellow who was removed from his family at a very young age and has only just recently been permitted contact with them again, struggling to connect.
The music break came forth and then the fourth message was read, discussing a longtime listener whose father had a minor stroke. Our sympathies are extended and hope to hear he recovers fully. The fifth letter was quite long and delved quite deeply into the dynamic between him, his father, his mother, and between both parents. Again, our sympathies for struggling with such unpleasantness. The sixth and final message was about a listener who had grown distant from a sister he had once been close with. He wanted to know if he could mend the relationship or if it was a lost cause.
A lot of very good, very deeply insightful e-mails we wanted to read very much. As mentioned, we will read the other three next week.
In other news, as mentioned on the show, with the upcoming move and relocation of ‘Fuzzy Logic Headquarters’ may bring with it a few changes. We will do our best to keep the core of the show unchanged, but we may have to change the day we record, and how frequently we record. When things change so drastically, it is sometimes necessary to alter the dynamic a bit to make sure those involved do not become unpleasant or too work-like. We are considering opening a Google voice phone number to accept voicemail. We are pondering interviewing guests when possible, to help add something new to the show. Other ideas are being considered as well. More updates will be provided as information develops.
As mentioned, our show has been nominated for an Ursa Major award for best magazine! We thank you all for your support and your kind words. Please, follow the link below to vote for us!
You will have to log in in order to vote. Spread the word! Share the love! Infect your neighbor!
Next week’s episode will be about travel and vacations, not necessarily furry conventions, though we are happy to accept those, we would like to hear about other trips you are planning, you would like to take, or that you have taken in the past. As always, please try to have your e-mails in by 6pm, central time. Write us, tweet at us, watch us on Fur Affinity, rate and comment on iTunes. We adore feedback!
Until next time, we thank you for your time, dear listener, and I do apologize as it seems I was a tad long-winded both during recording and during this summary. So sorry about that. I shall stop now before I get all British and overly apologetic. Oh dear, it’s too late, I’ve gotten all.
This week’s music break:
Linkin Park – Bleed It Out, from the album Minutes To Midnight
Fanart by the ever talented AbberrationClarified
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 79 – Family Values
File modified March 22, 2013 – 79.6 MB – downloaded 47 times so far
Episode 78 – Stinky - Welcome to Coughcast! Smokey and Istanbul are still trying to shake off the con crud, and the latter has partially lost his voice, so this week’s podcast sounds like a bunch of chain smokers. And yes, this relates to wh[...]
Welcome to Coughcast! Smokey and Istanbul are still trying to shake off the con crud, and the latter has partially lost his voice, so this week’s podcast sounds like a bunch of chain smokers. And yes, this relates to why the show is slow to release this week. Sorry about that! We chatter about Willy Wonka, Smokey shares news on his story-in-progress, and Smokey and Halfwit discuss their new projects. Istanbul talks about the upcoming move of Fuzzy Logic HQ (along with the rest of his stuff), and Kyo shares his story in club-land from hell!
Then we launch into our e-mails, and things get a bit real. One listener shares his stories of loss and asks for thoughts on coping with grief, another talks about dealing with razor burn, and yet another swears to Jebbus (Jebus’ big brother?) at us and then asks the cast about their hygiene issues. We have a discussion about lies of omission and how to explain furry to your family, mention is made about one listener’s less-than-satisfactory experience at Furry Fiesta, and we get an update from MandaKatt about her incredibly slovenly roommates. We even get Neybulot writing in about a ride situation similar to but different from the one mentioned in the last episode!
Next week’s topic is all about family struggles. If you’ve had family, you’ve doubtless had struggles with them, those people who are inextricably linked to you. Write in if you’ve had (or are having) family struggles, or if you have advice to share with them; we’re always eager to offer and receive help on our topic of the week, or any other!
Music: U2, _I’ll Go Crazy If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight_
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 78 – Stinky
File modified March 11, 2013 – 83.6 MB – downloaded 493 times so far
Episode 77 – Logic Live III - Good thing we left a one-week gap; Smokey and Istanbul both got hit with con crud, so we couldn’t have recorded anyway! Instead, you get our third ever live show, and our first at Furry Fiesta that doesn’t explode[...]
Good thing we left a one-week gap; Smokey and Istanbul both got hit with con crud, so we couldn’t have recorded anyway! Instead, you get our third ever live show, and our first at Furry Fiesta that doesn’t explode in a ball of flames! Before the e-mails begin, we go into Smokey’s folks and their surprise visit that has him running around like mad, Halfwit talking about her events and how they went, Kyo’s food poisoning debacle and his desperate attempts to avoid death while dragging it up, and Isty’s improv suffering and various event fails! We have food to share with the audience – some of whom share yum-yums right back – and we even get a bit of a Harlem Shake going!
Once we get onto e-mails, we’ve got a lot to talk about! Sheerin (sp?) reads an e-mail about incredibly slovenly roommates, Ralathar asks about avoiding white knight syndrome, Woyro shares Ryan Ricarta’s offering on topic suggestions and addictions with us, and more! We’ve got more than one e-mail from Ryo Fox, a confession from Ding the Ghost Dog about his need for some serious rehab, and Stratosfear Tully mentions shaking his fingernail biting addiction. We even get Ilari to read an e-mail from Alex about impulse spending! It’s always fun when we can get you to do the work for us!
Next show’s topic is all about hygiene. Time to get down and dirty, as it were! Do you have any tips for dealing with stubborn hygiene problems, or how to establish good habits? Do you have any poor hygiene issues that you need addressed? Do you just have thoughts on this topic (or others – remember the topic is a guideline, not a rule)? Then write on in, we want to hear from you before our recording on Thursday, March 7th!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 77 – Logic Live III
File modified March 4, 2013 – 65.6 MB – downloaded 642 times so far
Episode 76 – Unleashed - Time for our last show before Furry Fiesta! No Kyo this week, as he was afraid of infecting the rest of us with his illness. Istanbul starts the show by ruining everything (per usual), but then we move on to discussing Smokey[...]
Time for our last show before Furry Fiesta! No Kyo this week, as he was afraid of infecting the rest of us with his illness. Istanbul starts the show by ruining everything (per usual), but then we move on to discussing Smokey’s computer problems, and a few related topics like being wary of credit cards and what you should do when you first get a computer. Istanbul gawks at the Superbowl and mentions the power outage (power outrage?) and the Beyonce derp meme that’s begun to spread, and Halfwit goes into how you can tell certain things about people from how they speak, things they might not be intending to say!
Before we get into e-mails, Halfwit talks about some quiet time, but then it’s right into the content you’ve all sent us! There’s an e-mail from Kyo’s vagrundle about the madness of living in Nebraska (all apologies to any listeners who hail from it), the difficult transformation from romance into friendship and how to get over someone who’s just not that into you anymore, and a brief discussion on Twitter and how to handle NSFW feeds; a few options are given, so if you’re also in this situation, choose the one that works for you! We finish with the cast sharing stories of their past pets, and things get a little sadface now and then, so keep those tissues nearby!
Next show is at Furry Fiesta LIVE! No show on Valentine’s Day! Sorry, you’ll just have to do without us in your ear-holes for one week. Now, as for the Furry Fiesta LIVE show, that’s all about addiction! Things you just can’t do without, whether it’s a physical addiction or something more mental, or even emotional! Write in, we want more e-mails to read live…and if you’re going to be attending Furry Fiesta, come to the show and see why we always say this show needs facial expressions!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 76 – Unleashed
File modified February 9, 2013 – 57.3 MB – downloaded 901 times so far
Episode 75 – Trashed - It’s Episode 75 of Fuzzy Logic, starring three Istanbuls and the gonch of the Yukon! Yeah, this episode is kinda like that. We even finish our music break with a game of Tetris this time, in ways only Fuzzy Logic could [...]
It’s Episode 75 of Fuzzy Logic, starring three Istanbuls and the gonch of the Yukon! Yeah, this episode is kinda like that. We even finish our music break with a game of Tetris this time, in ways only Fuzzy Logic could play! Before we get started on our e-mails, Halfwit shares her word of the week and her story about the prom, we have a new Cultural Sandwich quote, Istanbul rants about people who don’t understand their own opinions, Kyo talks all about Sharon Needles and how well she’s doing on the charts, and the entire cast riffs on the recent situation in which an Applebee’s waitress was fired, with diverse opinions shared by all!
Once e-mails begin, we get a listener’s advice on Ryo’s home situation – keep in mind, we don’t mind if you offer advice too! – and another message on wasteful regrets, along with the irritant that is TL;DR. There’s mention of work-generated waste, human and otherwise, and how hotel conventions differ from others, along with advice on RP techniques and explanations of previously-mentioned bands. We’ve got a great mix of on and off topic e-mails this week, needless to say! Marcus Noble gives us a job update, there’s a bit of concern about lie detectors being used in hiring practices, and we talk about the work-to-live, live-to-work mentality and why it’s your choice how you see things!
Next week’s topic is all about pets! You know, those creatures you take care of. Or, maybe it’s about ‘pets’? You know, those creatures you take care of. Whichever one you choose to write in about, or even if you have something else to discuss, drop us a line!
Also, REMEMBER! We need your e-mails about addiction – or anything else you want read there – for our live show at Furry Fiesta! Remember to mark your e-mails with “LIVE SHOW” or something to that effect so that we don’t accidentally read them beforehand! Speaking of ‘beforehand’, our next recording will be on Thursday, February 7th…and the one after that will be on Friday, February 22nd. There will be no recording on the week of Valentine’s Day, as we’ll all be scrambling like mad trying to get our last-minute business done for the convention!
Music: Of Blood and Holy Water from Castlevania from OC Remix: Tha Sauce
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 75 – Trashed
File modified February 3, 2013 – 74.4 MB – downloaded 364 times so far
Episode 74 – Candy Heart - Sorry for the lateness of this week’s episode! Istanbul was doing a thing for charity all this weekend, and became dead for a short time. This week’s episode starts off with juice boxes that make you gay, and lead[...]
Sorry for the lateness of this week’s episode! Istanbul was doing a thing for charity all this weekend, and became dead for a short time. This week’s episode starts off with juice boxes that make you gay, and leads right into Kyo’s rendition of Hava Negilah! Yeah, it’s like that. Istanbul mentions the Kotaku article about Further Confusion, and Kyo’s sexy Dr. Robotnik makes Isty nope himself clear out of the room! Isty also talks about the polo shirt sizes for charity that will be available at Furry Fiesta, and Kyo waxes philosophical – for him – about his frothing hatred of children, especially children with bad parents. Smokey finishes by mentioning some of the new Wii U games coming out, and then it’s on to the e-mails!
Once the e-mails get going, Ryo gives more information about his home life, and Marcus Noble shares news on his job search, both positive and negative. We get one listener talking about his low sex drive, and the cast generally agrees that while sex is fun, it’s not the end-all-be-all. We even get incriminated in a listener’s supposed near-death experience! Ladies and gentlemen, our podcast is officially marked Handle With Care! The cast gives their opinions about romance vs. sex, everyone seems to agree that bar pickups are skeevy and parentally-arranged pickups are even worse, and a good time is had by all!
Next week’s topic is all about waste. Things you are wasting, things you have wasted, listening to us wasted, how to deal with others’ waste, and all other topics related! Remember, you’re not limited to that topic, so write in and let us help, and spread the word about us!
One more thing! We have our topic for the Fiesta show: Addiction! Things you can’t live without, addictions you’re trying to break, and coping with the addictions of the people around you. DON’T FORGET: If you have an e-mail you want us to read in the live show for Fiesta, please include “Live Show” in the subject line so that we know to save it!
Music: 99 Floors Underground from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team from OC Remix
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 74 – Candy Heart
File modified January 28, 2013 – 71.2 MB – downloaded 451 times so far
Episode 73 – Songbird - It’s time for our musical episode, and we start it off with a bang with what can only be called a cavalcade of classical LOL that sets the tone for the episode right off the bat! We discuss Halfwit’s new name [...]
It’s time for our musical episode, and we start it off with a bang with what can only be called a cavalcade of classical LOL that sets the tone for the episode right off the bat! We discuss Halfwit’s new name – we’ve just got to get her a badge for it – and Smokey goes all vidja on us, informing us about new systems from Nvidia and, of all people, Steam! Halfwit makes mention of the poor weather the cast had endured, and Istanbul drags the cast down by mentioning a local child whose parents were actually so strict that their disciplinary measures wound up killing him! Finally, Kyo brings us back up by talking all about Furry Fiesta! It’s less than a month away at this point, so next week, we’re going to tell you our topic for that show so that you can send in e-mails (and hopefully attend)!
Speaking of e-mails, once we get started, there’s all sorts of stuff to talk about! Everything from a second mention of Fuzzy Notes to David Tennant in drag to…well, to nothing, as Debbie Downy seems to have fallen off of the internet! Sorry! One listener talks about being affected by music, while a previous writer elaborates on his home life and asks for help getting out of it. Richter the Absol checks in with us after three long months, the ‘I only like one kind of music’ myth is largely dispelled, and a long-time listener tells us about his awful schedule issues. At the end, the staff all share their musical tastes, and you get to hear just how diverse they are in opinion; seldom is a name mentioned twice!
Next week’s topic is all about sex and romance. Finding that right person, wooing that right person, and what you do when things get a little more intimate than a first date and held hands! Write in and talk to us, get that advice in time for Valentine’s Day – it’s just around the corner! (Can you believe it?)
Music: Requiem for a Dying World from Final Fantasy from OCRemix
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 73 – Songbird
File modified January 21, 2013 – 78.7 MB – downloaded 404 times so far
Episode 72 – Literati - It’s time for Episode 72, and we have good news and bad news. Good news: Kyo is back, yay! And he even has a report on his trip to Virgina – and New York, with its tiny tiny apartments, as it turns out – to [...]
It’s time for Episode 72, and we have good news and bad news. Good news: Kyo is back, yay! And he even has a report on his trip to Virgina – and New York, with its tiny tiny apartments, as it turns out – to share with everyone! The bad news is, Istanbul is dead. Well, dying. At least he sure sounds like it. Sorry about the coughing over this week’s episode; action is being taken to fix this! Anyway, the entire episode starts off with original musical content generated by the cast – yes, more of it – and goes on to introduce Railrunner, Smokey’s cousin who is a train fan and a ‘foamer’! Istanbul talks about the new generation of Pokemon slated to release later this year and gives this week’s Istanbul’s Words That Sound Dirty But Aren’t, and Halfwit…well, she can’t remember what she was going to talk about. Ah well!
Once the e-mails get going, we’ve got lots of author and book recommendations, suggestions on how to develop your plot and deal with writer’s block, and other things too: one listener has good luck with parents understanding his sexuality, while another isn’t sure if he should tell a parent at all. Two listeners write in about the very full year that 2012 was for them, and one listener asks for help in figuring out how to get away from a toxic home situation. Even the cast chimes in on the writing issue, since almost the entire cast either writes or has written at some point in their lives!
Next week’s topic is all about music! You know, that thing where you jam a bunch of noises together (and maybe some words) and it sounds all pretty. Write in and tell us what you like, who your favorite artists are, any songs you prefer, how music affects you…and hey, if you have any songs you’d like us to use for our music break, send ‘em on in! We’re always looking for more!
Music: Chrono Cross – Another Inspiration from OCRemix
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 72 – Literati
File modified January 14, 2013 – 79 MB – downloaded 457 times so far
Episode 71 – Progressive - Welcome to Episode 71! Kyo is still out on vacation – okay, most of him is – but we have his vagoo here with us to pontificate! In this week’s episode, Smokey rants about bad video game guides, Halfwit discu[...]
Welcome to Episode 71! Kyo is still out on vacation – okay, most of him is – but we have his vagoo here with us to pontificate! In this week’s episode, Smokey rants about bad video game guides, Halfwit discusses womens’ rights in India, Isty talks about not ripping into people at their workplace, and Mitch talks about his crazy roommate…and Isty reveals that he’s looking for a new roommate come April! There are a lot more shenanigans, of course, but that’s, well. Let’s call it a highlight reel, shall we?
Once we get into e-mails, we go all over the place; that happens when you get eight mails! Good show, people! We’re happy to hear from you! We discuss everything from phlebotomy to the ability to commit to creative works, self-appreciation to life hacks and relaxation…the list goes on and on! Making room in your life for school, alcohol and the damage it can do, one person being pulled back from the brink, there’s a lot to talk about – and we do! Even the cast chimes in with their various advancements, with varying results.
Next week, we’ll be talking about literature! Things you like to read, things you like to write, your favorite authors, everything from roleplay to novels to fanfiction. Write in and share your words with us!
Music – When Can I See You Again by Owl City
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 71 – Progressive
File modified January 7, 2013 – 89.6 MB – downloaded 494 times so far
Episode 70 – Take It Easy - Welcome to our 70th episode! Can you believe it? We’re sans Kyo this week, as he’s off visiting his folks, but there’s still a lot of bizarre stuff to be had. We’ve got gangsta board games, a critique [...]
Welcome to our 70th episode! Can you believe it? We’re sans Kyo this week, as he’s off visiting his folks, but there’s still a lot of bizarre stuff to be had. We’ve got gangsta board games, a critique of Total Recall, a horrible prank, and the three present members of the cast share stories; Smokey discusses his trip to Shreveport and dealing with his family (and an extended family member being irresponsible), Halfwit tries and fails to get to work thanks to being frozen over, and Istanbul shares a story about some crazy person at his job and how not to get the police involved in your marital squabbles!
Once our music break finishes – and it’s a classic, folks – we’re on to our two e-mails! Don’t worry, we understand, the holidays get a hold of all of us. All sorts of methods of relaxation are mentioned, ranging from a good book and a hot back to carving dudes up in Skyrim (although Smokey does follow up with two games that can be highly frustrating), and one listener writes in with a fairly comprehensive guide on how to deal with stress…including venting and coping, so it’s even on-topic! The cast all discuss how they relax and deal with crazy people, and a good time is had by all.
Next week’s topic is advancement. Are you better off than you were a year ago? Have you managed to keep those resolutions you made? Do you need a helping hand in accomplishing your goals, sticking to them, or even remembering them? Drop us a line about these or other topics, we’re here to help!
Music: Linus and Lucy by Vince Guaraldi
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 70 – Take It Easy
File modified December 31, 2012 – 58.8 MB – downloaded 309 times so far
Episode 69 – Circle - LOL, it’s episode 69! Yeah, we’re all twelve, as demonstrated by the ability of a single five-letter word to derail the podcast! At any rate, we discuss the Newtown shooting and who’s protesting it, and who[...]
LOL, it’s episode 69! Yeah, we’re all twelve, as demonstrated by the ability of a single five-letter word to derail the podcast! At any rate, we discuss the Newtown shooting and who’s protesting it, and who’s protesting the protestors! Halfwit thanks the people who have helped her with Furry Fiesta, and Istanbul shares the story of his death and subsequent revival. (Must be an Easter thing.) Kyo discusses his familial difficulties, and that’s all before we even get into our e-mails for the week…of which we have six! Well done, listeners!
Once we start in on the listeners, there’s a variety of topics to discuss. The cast gives their opinions on how not to be ‘that guy’, we talk about how to avoid letting your anger get out of control, and there’s mention of dealing with wanting – but being unable – to give to charity. There’s a discussion about in-person communication vs. online, listening to podcasts while you should be paying attention to other things, and how each cast member gives back. We even discover Kyo’s ponysona, yay!
Next week’s topic is all about relaxation. Chilling out, relaxing, enjoying your downtime. Do you have any suggestions on how people can do that? Do you need a little rest and relaxation? Are you having trouble enjoying your current means of relaxation? Hit us up, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Music – Metroid Prime – Relics of an Ancient Race from OCRemix
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 69 – Circle
File modified December 23, 2012 – 87 MB – downloaded 686 times so far
Episode 68 – Cookie Cutter - Sorry for the lateness of this episode’s publishing; the bunny is the one who usually edits / levelates / notes / publishes / etc. these things, and – as you’ll quickly discover – this marks one of the[...]
Sorry for the lateness of this episode’s publishing; the bunny is the one who usually edits / levelates / notes / publishes / etc. these things, and – as you’ll quickly discover – this marks one of the few episodes where he was not present! Before we get into our show this week, we’ve got Kyo starring as Lenzay Lerhern, Smokey’s discussion of a disrespectful co-worker who stays out way late for lunch, a double-shot of words of the week, World of Kyocraft, Halfwit’s sister teaching her how to enjoy something a little different for her culinary tastes, and lots more!
Once our e-mails get going, we’ve got an awful lot to talk about! There’s a lot of discussion on how to deal with getting a new job and what employers are looking for, one listener devours guinea pigs – no, we’re not kidding – and there’s word of losing extended family and grandparents, and a different kind of loss of a sister. Hard times, we know, but coping is what we try to help you do! There’s mention of the importance of proofreading, the way text can be hard to use to communicate properly, discussion of depression with the spouse…and brace yourselves, people. Throughout this entire episode, Kyo’s word function explodes all over the place!
Next week’s topic is all about paying back or paying forward. Are you trying to find some way to give back to your local furry community, or some of the local authorities, or just someone who’s done right by you? Have you successfully managed this, and if so, are you willing to share some ideas with our audience? Write in, we’d love to hear from you!
Music: I’m Beautiful from Bette Midler
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 68 – Cookie Cutter
File modified December 16, 2012 – 79.4 MB – downloaded 342 times so far
Episode 67 – F-Commerce - It’s time for our new episode, and we set the tone with Smokey fapping! Yeah, it’s like that. Other discussions take place shortly thereafter, including reminders to love your family (before you kill them) through[...]
It’s time for our new episode, and we set the tone with Smokey fapping! Yeah, it’s like that. Other discussions take place shortly thereafter, including reminders to love your family (before you kill them) throughout the holiday, a bit of a spoiler alert on the podcast’s favorite new movie, Smokey’s explanation of Indie Game: The Movie, and the regrettable loss of a local fur. It can’t all be sunshine and rainbows, after all!
Once we hit our e-mails, things go all over the place! We’ve got a leftover e-mail from a previous show, concerns about controlling spending on furry items and advice on both purchasing and taking commissions, sketchbook etiquette, and mention of a brand new podcast all about the furry music scene, Fuzzy Notes! It comes out every Friday, features all genres of music, and can be found by clicking on this link! We even get some insight into future concepts for the podcast, and the origin story of the purple!
Next week’s topic is a combination of two previous ones: family and food! With the holidays coming up, we figure a lot of you are probably dealing with this, so write on in with your questions, insights, or cries for help!
Music: Mega Man – Drag Me Up (OC Remix)
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 67 – F-Commerce
File modified December 8, 2012 – 63.4 MB – downloaded 424 times so far
Episode 66 – Respeck - Episode 66 of Fuzzy Logic is upon us! There’s no Halfwit, this week, as she is exploring her plague rat heritage. Instead, we have discussions of table-flipping, a final update from Smokescale on NaNoWriMo, Istanbul tal[...]
Episode 66 of Fuzzy Logic is upon us! There’s no Halfwit, this week, as she is exploring her plague rat heritage. Instead, we have discussions of table-flipping, a final update from Smokescale on NaNoWriMo, Istanbul talking about how not to get scammed, and Kyo ranting about the fact that – no matter how upset you are – there are some places you just don’t go! The cast gives their report on how their Thanksgiving went, and we run right from there into the e-mails!
Once we get into our e-mails, we’ve got a lot of on-topic words for you; turns out you all want a little respect, no big surprise there! There’s mention about the differences of trust vs. respect and favors vs. debt, and we go into the matter of ‘how furry is furry enough’! There’s word of the need to pull your own weight, and Istanbul shares a story from his past that…well, trust me, you shouldn’t be eating when you hear it. How to move on after abuse? We’ve got it. The importance of self-respect? We’ve got it. Fears about death? We’ve got it! (No, really!)
Next week’s topic is all about furry commerce. Whether it’s protocol for how to commission art from someone without looking like a fool, how to shop for fursuits, or attending conventions on a budget, it’s all about how money goes into and comes out of our fandom! Write in for any help you need on this topic or any others, we’re here for you!
Music: Fort Minor (Ft. Styles of Beyond) – Remember the Name
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 66 – Respeck
File modified December 2, 2012 – 68.8 MB – downloaded 411 times so far
Episode 65 – The Good Life - It’s time for our new episode, all about gratitude…but you wouldn’t know it to hear the first part of our podcast! We go into in-depth discussion about good weapons to use in a zombie apocalypse, overly aggr[...]
It’s time for our new episode, all about gratitude…but you wouldn’t know it to hear the first part of our podcast! We go into in-depth discussion about good weapons to use in a zombie apocalypse, overly aggressive sales staff, the upcoming Wii U, middle management and why it’s a good thing, ridiculous rumors of states trying to secede (it’s not true!), freemium games done right, and a variety of other insane topics that could only mean you’re listening to Fuzzy Logic!
After our music break, we answer our whopping two e-mails, and one of them is more comedic than anything else; apparently, gratitude wasn’t on your minds this week! We go into gagnosticism, difficulty with debt and how to handle it, the prospect of continuing education and the difference between jobs and careers and the ways to cope with the former! In our second e-mail, we are return of answer for make of great friendship, without needing for pictures!
Next week’s topic is all about respect and what it means to you. How do you get respect from people? How does someone earn your respect, or possibly lose it instead? How important is respect to you? Write in about this topic or anything else with which you need help, we’re here for you!
Note: No podcast on Thanksgiving, but we’ll be back the week after!
Music: I Want You Back / Semi Charmed Life by Jackson Five / Third Eye Blind
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 65 – The Good Life
File modified November 18, 2012 – 57.1 MB – downloaded 614 times so far
Episode 64 – Whatever - Episode 64 is here, and it’s all about burnout! You know, when you just can’t seem to care anymore! We’re not burnt out, though, and we’ve got lots of logic to share with you fuzzies! Kyo discusses Mik[...]
Episode 64 is here, and it’s all about burnout! You know, when you just can’t seem to care anymore! We’re not burnt out, though, and we’ve got lots of logic to share with you fuzzies! Kyo discusses Mika’s new album and RuPaul’s drag race, Smokescale talks about the danger of relying too much on credit cards and his painful experiences in an early chapter of his NaNoWriMo entry, Halfwit gives her word of the week and discusses how she handles burnout, and Istanbul has a positive message for once, discussing the legalization of gay marriage in four states and marijuana in two states, along with the first openly gay senator! Oh yeah, and some other guy got re-elected, we hear. (We also mention Wreck-It Ralph – if you haven’t seen this, you need to!)
Once we get back from the music break, we discuss one listener’s issue with his wife’s burnout and the notion that it just might have progressed to something else entirely. It’s then that Kyo winds up with an emergency and has to leave, but the rest of the cast soldiers on to discuss travel as a potential cure for the doldrums, ways to treat burnout if you can’t avoid it thanks to the intrepid efforts of our own Lone Tiggs, and strategies like giving yourself time off, rewarding yourself, and sleep! Note: five-hour energy drinks are not sleep!
Next week will be our Thanksgiving episode, all about gratitude! We won’t be recording on the 24th because we’ll be too busy stuffing our faces with stuffing, so we want to hear from you THIS week instead. What are you grateful for in your life? What have you given others to be grateful for? How do you express gratitude, oddly one of the more difficult emotions to express? Write in and let us know!
Sticks and Stones – Jonsi
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
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iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 64 – Whatever
File modified November 11, 2012 – 66.3 MB – downloaded 492 times so far
Episode 63 – M.A.S.K. - It’s Fuzzy Logic time again! Sorry for the lack of an episode last week, there was death plague left over from Oklacon. We start off in typical Fuzzy Logic style, with discussions about progress for same-sex couples in [...]
It’s Fuzzy Logic time again! Sorry for the lack of an episode last week, there was death plague left over from Oklacon. We start off in typical Fuzzy Logic style, with discussions about progress for same-sex couples in Dallas, the beginning of NaNoWriMo and Smokey’s cyberpunk Legend of Zelda story (yeah, you read that right), mention of Hurricane Sandy, a discussion on the Dorsai scandal from FurFright, and Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm – it’s been a busy two weeks! Of course, we’re not without our more horrible topics like our lack of the Kyo this time around, backstories about backstories, the next Star Wars movie, and gravy with extra shame. This is Fuzzy Logic, after all!
After our musical break, we start in on (and finish!) our e-mails, even with only three of the four heads active! We’ve got advice about how to get started in fursuiting and what to look for, shopping around and starting with a partial, and other such tips…but then we jump the tracks to discuss doctors who don’t take you seriously enough, and the cast gets into their own hilarious and/or terrible medical stories! Lone Tiggs writes in with a two-page litany of some extremely good advice that would be good for anyone looking to suit up to take, and there’s a callback to an older e-mail wherein we discuss being open to new literary experiences, along with the cast mentioning some of the more unusual and atrocious books they’ve been forced to read!
Next week’s topic is all about burnout. You know how it can be, you’ve just been slogging away at that one thing a little too long, and you need a break! Are you trying to get over burnout, or are you trying to avoid it altogether? Are you being forced to deal with the fallout from other people being burnt out, or are you trying to determine whether or not you’ve reached that state yourself? Write in and let us know, we want to hear from you!
Music: We Come Running – Youngblood Hawke
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 63 – M.A.S.K.
File modified November 3, 2012 – 76.9 MB – downloaded 504 times so far
Episode 62 – Hang In There - *snatches keys back from Kyo* Bad fox! No lube! Anyway, it’s time for the posting of our first live show at Oklacon! Afraid there’s no music break for this one, as it’s hard to find time for a proper pause d[...]
*snatches keys back from Kyo* Bad fox! No lube! Anyway, it’s time for the posting of our first live show at Oklacon! Afraid there’s no music break for this one, as it’s hard to find time for a proper pause during a live show. Instead, we have an hour and fifteen minutes of solid content! Also, sorry for the lateness of the posting; as stated previously, neither Smokey nor Istanbul were available until late-ish on Monday, and the bunny is both con-cruddy and on fire at the moment!
Before we launch into our e-mails, we attack topics like Kyo’s word of the week, the absence of audio distractions for this week’s episode, Kyo barely making the podcast, and Spirit Day wherein anti-bullying sentiment is spread! Smokey discusses ‘cloppers’ and the need to respect someone’s wishes when they don’t wish to partake of a certain variety of content, Halfwit mentions the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses concert attended by the entire podcast the previous week along with the cardboard city she helped to create, and Istanbul mentions his awesome Werewolf moment (dickery?) and the Furry Common Sense panel that would be given the following day!
Of course, then it’s time for our e-mails, and we certainly make a mountain out of the molehill of e-mails we got! D (number D!) gives us an update on how his job search is going and asks for some help with a successful interview, we have another listener with an inspirational story about how they dragged themselves out of an abusive home life and turned themselves into something they can be proud of, and the topic of cutting bad people out of your life comes up yet again! A third listener shares some advice pertaining to coping with life’s little iniquities and looks for help in dealing with a vicious (and false!) rumor being spread about him, and the issue of age and its decreasing relation to intellectual capacity comes up. Finally, we come to Kyo’s vagoozle sending us a correction about komodo dragons as mentioned in a previous episode…but that’s not all! We have the studio audience coming up and asking how to lose weight, prompting us to discuss fat burning vs. muscle development, and we even have the developer of FurrySociety.com come up and tell us about a new, up-and-coming website and its impending capabilities. Sounds pretty impressive to us!
Next week’s topic is all about fursuiting, or – given that we’re on the cusp of Halloween – costuming in general. Can you recommend a good producer of same? Got any advice that you wish someone had told you when you started? Need some guidelines on how to deal with them, whether as a wearer or an onlooker? Write on in and let us know, we want to hear from you! Rememeber, your e-mails make us go vroom!
Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: [email protected]
iTunes: Fuzzy Logic Podcast
Episode 62 – Hang In There
File modified October 23, 2012 – 68.5 MB – downloaded 844 times so far