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Updated: 6 hours 31 min ago

Glitched up mouse

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 14:30
Categories: News

Paper Chibiterasu by Starbuxx

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 13:04
Categories: News

Adorable art by Orum~

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 12:15
Categories: News

Group of carpet sharks

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 11:38
Categories: News

Doing these as commission for $10/£6.55 each!

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 11:36
Categories: News

Joie de la mer ~ Demicoeur

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 10:42
Categories: News

Talk to a fursona #2

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 09:57
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Okay , just want to remind you that you can jump into any conversation , don&#39;t just leave me and the commenter to chat!</p> <p>Today&#39;s conversation starter:</p> <blockquote> <p>&quot;Hey , what&#39;s wrong , why are you crying?&quot; </p> </blockquote> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
Categories: News

Well, it’s probably far past time I should have stopped lurking so… Hey there!

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 08:52
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>So, err... Hi there! I&#39;ve been lurking here for, well, far too long now and finally joined a few weeks ago when I saw a fur ask about an esoteric computer problem I knew how to solve. I then proceeded to not say anything here for a few weeks because I&#39;m far too shy for my own good. However now I&#39;ve decided I need to get over that and actually say things and that should probably start with an introduction so... HI!</p> <p>What else to say... well, I&#39;m a Hyox, Hyena/Fox hybrid, though will quite often refer to myself as one or the other out of ease of communication. I&#39;ve been a fur for, well, honestly most of my life even if I didn&#39;t know the word back then I have always preferred media with anthros or talking ferials in and was looking at my first furry sites through a 14.4K modem, though that wasn’t as long ago as you might think as non-dialup wasn&#39;t available where I live until 2005 so it would have been around then (80MB fiber-line now :) good things eventually come to those who wait). I&#39;m 25, British, and work as an electronic engineer for a company that designs test equipment. </p> <p>Unfortunately I have absolutely no artistic talent at all which makes me kind of a useless furry and one of the reasons I’ve always been too shy to talk to other furs even though I’ve wanted to. I’ve always wished I could draw even half as good as the rest of you guys but everything I’ve ever tried has always looked like total rubbish, the best I’ve managed were some pixel art animations, some of which I did end up putting on my FA but anyfur can do pixel art, but no real art skill so, well, sorry about that...</p> <p>Anyway, I think that’s everything? I usually just lurk most places really in the past due to shyness but I hope I’ll at least be able to contribute SOMETHING here! And NOT end up being too shy and running off tail between my legs! So err…. HI!</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
Categories: News

Hellfire by Christina Yen

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 08:37
Categories: News

Its something we all face.

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 06:31
Categories: News

How has being a furry affected your happiness and open-mindedness?

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 05:45
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>As someone interested in sociology, I thought It&#39;d be interesting to ask people how society has affected what they think makes them happy, and how much they have explored non-traditional methods of happiness. As a furry, I thought this would be a great place to ask, and later compare to non-furs.</p> <p>For example: Has being part of a culture that is generally considered to be &quot;fringe&quot; affected how open you are to new forms of happiness? Are you more likely to explore new cultures and ideas pertaining to happiness? What do you think prevents others from exploring the furry fandom? Have you ever been ridiculed for being a furry?</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
Categories: News

I love making random characters!

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 04:14
Categories: News

Steam Furs?

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 03:51
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Hey everyone, my name is Hans. There&#39;s been a lot of posts recently to the effect of &quot;Does anyone have X&quot;, so I thought I&#39;d give it a go and ask if anyone play games through Steam. If you&#39;re looking for a bud to play games with, go ahead and add me at</p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
Categories: News

The first drawing I can be proud of!

Mon 25 Jan 2016 - 01:53
Categories: News