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The Drummer and the Dogs

Edited by GreenReaper as of 11:06
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This one has been sitting on our to-write-about list for a while — ’bout time we got around to it! The Dog Knight is a graphic novel written by Jeremy Whitley (well-known for their involvement with various My Little Pony comics) and illustrated by Bre Indigo.  “Frankie knows who they are. They’re a drummer, they’re nonbinary, and they’re… the Dog Knight? One day Frankie is a relatively normal middle schooler, with relatively normal challenges, like finding the perfect outfit to wear during their drum solo during the upcoming band concert. The next, they save a friendly golden retriever from bullies and suddenly find themselves in a giant magical doghouse, with a funny looking helmet, talking to a group of dog superheroes called the Pawtheon about a job offer. If Frankie can prove that they possess the six dog virtues of loyalty, kindness, honesty, justice, stubbornness, and smell, they will be named the Dog Knight and be given the power to fight alongside the Pawtheon and save the world from the forces of chaos. Maybe there is more to Frankie than they thought?” Look for it now from the Feiwel & Friends imprint at MacMillan Publishers.

image c. 2024 MacMillan Publishers


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I wonder if the dogs are nonbinary, too? I guess it's good to know you can be a human saviour no matter your gender identity... however, the word "knight" is associated with men, so the presentation of that aspect seems confused.

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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.