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Ruffled Feather Clean-Up On Aisle Four

Edited as of 01:45
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Recently we stumbled across a trailer for this, and now here’s an exciting announcement from Animation Magazine: “Global anime destination Crunchyroll announced today that it has acquired the North American rights for the new animated feature film The Concierge. The film is set to be released by Aniplex in Japan on October 20 and expected to come to Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures territories in 2024. Adapted from Tsuchika Nishimura’s manga The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store, the film follows a trainee concierge at a very special store where the customers are all animals, and the most valued among them are extinct species.” The official synopsis goes like this: “Akino is a trainee concierge at the Hokkyoku Department Store, an unusual department store that caters exclusively to animals. Under the watchful eyes of the floor manager and senior concierges, Akino runs around to fulfill the wishes of customers with a myriad of needs and problems in her pursuit to become a full-fledged concierge.” This is the first feature film from director Yoshimi Itazu.

image c. 2023 Aniplex


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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.