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Newsbytes archive for October 2021

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 6 May 2022 - 14:31
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, BlindWolf8, earthfurst, and GreenReaper.

GreenReaper: Furries are using Lindsay Lohan's fursona NFT auction tweet to deride crypto "destroying the planet" and promote their own artwork.

GreenReaper: It must be therian week: species identity disorder raises its head and howls out for companionship in indie Irish film Wolf, in theatres December 3.

GreenReaper: Furry sites have previously been censored by Russia's Internet regulator, Now, the chair of Roskomnadzor's child protection commission deems furries an example of "extremism", along with "LGBT+ ideology, radical feminism".

2cross2affliction: Cartoon Saloon's "Irish Folklore Trilogy" will be available in box set of Blu-rays December 14; pre-orders of the $65 set are available. The movies include The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea and the Ursa Major Award winning Wolfwalkers 🐺 (making its debut on physical media).

GreenReaper: A deliberately-provocative piece in Splice Today derides furry transhumanism as narcissism - highlighting the Freedom of Form Foundation, which "funds and popularizes scientific research that will enable freedom of one’s physical form".

GreenReaper: The real Welsh dragon - unearthed after 200 million years. 🐉

BlindWolf8: "Lamb" isn't exactly "Lamb Chop's Play-Along".

GreenReaper: UK and Canada PS4/5 account holders can try Biomutant for five hours, minus however long it takes to download - one comment suggests downloading in a separate account; files are shared, the timer is not.

2cross2affliction: Newest episode of YouTube documentary series The Merrie History of Looney Tunes, "The Reign of Chuck Jones", is now available.

GreenReaper: "That's an interest, a passion, a hobby?" - "Basically a large money sink, to be honest." Furry quizzers Mike (@PuzzleCheetah), Jen (@HamHamHammu), Jax (@Jax_Fox) and Rob (@MrJKnight19) take on @EggheadsTV as @Kjorteo's Afflicted.

GreenReaper: Dormice: the delicacy of emperors and dons.

earthfurst: My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) leaving Netflix Canada on Oct 19. Netflix interface says last day to see is Oct18, so watch quickly. #MLP #NetflixCanada

GreenReaper: Opinion piece in Ghanaian state-owned weekly Graphic Showbiz stokes fears of therians demanding "trans-animal" rights, in tirade against the "sinister agenda" of the LGBTQ+ movement, which furries "have applied to join". [Editor's note: The link to that article is dead; its headline used to be "In support of anti-LGBTQ+ Bill". It has since been replaced with a different article, "MPs have better things doing than passing anti-homosexuality bill".]

GreenReaper: Blacksad is back, in part - but if you want a print copy, you'll have to wait 'til 2022. [tip: JN_Squire]

GreenReaper: Tuskless female elephants may be less likely to be poached; but it's not great news for prospective male calves, who die before birth.

2cross2affliction: [editor: This is about Pokemon] Just in time for Halloween, it's a found footage ghost short ... featuring a new version of an old friend.

GreenReaper: US federal magistrate allows 'cocaine hippos' to be considered legal persons for the purpose of allowing a deposition on their behalf - though it doesn't help in their current residence of Colombia.

2cross2affliction: Cracked's latest article on furries is ... bad (and takes unnecessary potshots at ... Trekkies, for some reason). Which is disappointing, considering their much more even-handed [editor: NSFW link] coverage of the fandom in the past.

GreenReaper: Singaporean researchers plan to use LEGO in vertical farms for coral reef restoration.

GreenReaper: Backbone writer claims raccoon protagonist came from a raid on the composer's compost bins.

2cross2affliction: Happy Halloween! Helluva Boss Episode 7 (Finale Part 1), "Ozzie's", is available now on YouTube.



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