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Newsbytes archive for April 2018

Edited by dronon
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, Acton, BlindWolf8, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, and Rakuen Growlithe.

GreenReaper: Stolen from smugglers: the remains of animals for whom merely being alive was a death sentence.

dronon: My review of Furry Nation (in the comments of Rakuen's review)

BlindWolf8: Woman in India fights off tiger with stick

BlindWolf8: Are "zombie raccoons" in your town?

dronon: Japanese sweet potato vendor dresses as cat, and looks like they've updated the costume.

GreenReaper: In sadder news, Studio Ghibli co-founder Isao Takahata has died at 82 of lung cancer. Among other work, he directed Grave of the Fireflies, Pom Poko and key episodes of Lupin III, and produced Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and Castle in the Sky.

GreenReaper: UK animal charities up in arms over sparkledog makeovers of "intelligent, sentient animals"; grooming industry reps claim dog spas meet owners' demands for "humanization".

GreenReaper: Kiwis celebrate hard-won victory over mice, ending a five-year war fought over the Antipodes Islands to benefit birds and bugs.

2cross2affliction: Kotaku struggles to understand a "weird" horse-girls-in-high-school concept for a popular anime ... despite the fact America's already done this. Come on, Kotaku.

dronon: Why are you flicking your h-- SQUIRREL

earthfurst: A furry artist is crowd-funding at Kickstarter to make pins (& stickers) of two Goetic demons: Stolas as an owl and Furfur as a winged deer. Artist is JoliJacques.

dronon: Kickstarter for Zoion, a magazine to promote furry art! (tip: Dogpatch Press)

BlindWolf8: Spanish man raised by wolves reportedly finds human ways of life disappointing.

BlindWolf8: Who's a good AI? Dog-based data creates a canine machine learning system.

Fred: Australia's camel problem.

dronon: Stealth game being developed in which you are an annoying goose.

Fred: Is this a parody of furry fiction? An anthology of horror stories featuring evil macadamia nut trees from Hawaii that kill people.

dronon: Hansen and the Beast (skip to 16:22)

Fred: The UMA's first 2018 Recommended Anthropomorphic List is online. Have you anything to add to it?

BlindWolf8: Rocky and Bullwinkle are back in a new series on Amazon Kids.

Rakuen Growlithe: Swiss duck caught exceeding the speed limit twice in one week.

BlindWolf8: Hopefully your password isn't "dragon".

dronon: Aggretsuko, an anime series about a red panda who vents her frustrations through death metal.

dronon: Universal FanCon postponed "until further notice".

dronon: Even in a fursuit, SonicFox keeps winning fighting game tournaments.

dronon: Califur not happening in 2018, but intends to return.

Acton: Sanrio's death metal red panda Aggretsuko makes her full-length debut on Netflix.

2cross2affliction: "Hey, Flash, wanna hear a joke?" @Zoops247, a Twitter account that posts a frame from Zootopia every fifteen minutes, is currently making that one shot even slower.

dronon: Over 100 goats invade a Welsh town.

dronon: Squirrel wins student senate seat at UC Berkeley. Who's a good Furry Boi?

dronon: Burrows & Badgers, a tabletop skirmish game of anthropomorphic animals.

Rakuen Growlithe: World's oldest spider dies at age 43.



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