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Further Confusion 2002 - FINAL updates!

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Further Confusion is now only 48 hours away! Here are some last minute
updates and reminders:

From Aureth: Hope everyone has a great con!

Registration and ID

As a matter of policy, we ask all our attendees for identification. This
allows us to make sure that our under-age attendees are properly badged, so
we can enforce local laws on access to certain types of materials. In order
to not have your badge marked as "unverified", you will need to show
a valid
picture ID (drivers license, green card, passport, etc. Sorry, we cannot
accept a school ID card for this purpose).

If you pre-registered, we also will need to see ID so that we know you're
who you think you are. For that purpose, we can accept school IDs, or your
check-in receipt from the hotel.

Fursuit Badges

FC will once more have special 'fursuit badges' available. This badge is a
valid badge when worn with your fursuit only. Pictures for these badges
will be taken on Friday, Saturday and Sunday by appointment only. A
sign-up sheet to get an appointment will be available at Registration. The
fee for a fursuit badge is $5. Reminder: Like a regular con badge, a
fursuit badge is only valid for the year it was issued. Last year's
fursuit badge will not gain you admittance to any convention

Weather Report

High temperatures are expected to be in the mid-to-upper 50s throughout
the convention, with low temperatures in the 30s Thursday night, and the 40s
the remainder of the weekend. Rain is currently forecast, beginning on
Thursday and ending on Monday. Yup--it's January in the Bay Area, where the
skies are grey and the hills are green! The good news for people staying
past the con--it's expected to warm into the low 60s and clear up starting

Art Auction/Pickup

We are once again breaking our art auction into 2 sections. The first
auction will be for art from the NC17 section, and begins at 11AM. The
second auction, for the rest of the pieces, will begin at 12:30, or 1/2 hour
after the end of the first auction--whichever is later. Art
pickup begins at Noon, and will run until at least 5PM. (Don't worry--if
people are still waiting, art pickup will stay open later.) IF you are
purchasing art and IF you have a flight out Sunday afternoon or early
evening which may make it impossible to pick up your art, you need to make
arrangements in advancewith the art show staff. Please see them at the
art show table in the main art show area.

Contacting us

As of midnight tomorrow (that's Wednesday/Thursday night), we will no
longer be monitoring our [email protected] email address religiously for answers to your questions. If you have any
questions for us while at the con, come talk to us at the Information Desk
(which will be outside registration), or at Con-Ops (room 3149).

See you there!

Further Confusion
[email protected]


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