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Art exhibit: 'Creepy Cute' at the WWA Gallery

Edited by GreenReaper as of 20:30
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Dee Chavez's 'Mister Carrot'The WWA Gallery, which featured the “Gag Me With a Toon 4” art exhibition last March & April, has a new exhibition: “Creepy Cute”, from January 12th through February 9th, 2013, featuring seven artists and sixty-six paintings.

All the paintings are shown on and may be purchased from the gallery's website. The majority are not anthropomorphic, but check out Dee Chavez’s “Buttercup Farm” showing a giant buttercup strangling a whale ($625), her “Mister Carrot” showing a hat-wearing raccoon holding a large carrot ($575), her “Nightwatchmen” showing anthropomorphized somethings ($500), or her “The Haul” showing insects driving a loaded wagon ($475); or Desiree Fessler’s dapper ferrets; or Larkin’s “Johann the Story Tailor” showing an Edwardian-dressed fox ($450), and others. Some of the non-anthro paintings may also be to your taste, such as Jonathan Bergeron’s “Skull Anamoly 6” showing a three-eyed, horned, red human skull ($550).

The WWA Gallery, 9517 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, California 90232; (310) 836-4992, is in the downtown Culver City Art District, within walking distance of the Culver Hotel where Judy Garland and the Munchkins stayed while filming The Wizard of Oz. Hours: 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m Tue-Sat. The gallery’s next exhibit is “I Believe in Unicorns, Too!”, February 16th – March 23rd.


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About the author

Fred Pattenread storiescontact (login required)

a retired former librarian from North Hollywood, California, interested in general anthropomorphics