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New Line Cinema buys Centaur movie script

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New Line Cinema has picked up the comedy spec "The Centaur" from writing pair Jack Angelo and Sam Brown for management-production outfit Benderspink to produce.

The script is described as a romantic fable about a woman who falls in love with a seemingly perfect man, only to discover that he is a centaur (half-man/half-horse) brought to mortal life through the aid of magical potion.

'The Centaur' was one of those rare screenplays where you find yourself literally laughing out loud," New Line president of production Toby Emmerich said. "Few writers can weave adult humor with romantic innocence and make it work. Jack and Sam creatively manage this difficult task in a way that is endearing and fun."
Benderspink's J.C. Spink and Chris Bender, who have a first-look deal at the studio, will produce the project. New Line production executives Michele Weiss and Cale Boyter are overseeing.

Angelo and Brown previously teamed on the short film "Chutzpah," which can be seen on


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