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Adventure Time: The Comic

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 6 Jan 2012 - 09:44
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If you haven’t gotten the word yet, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake is one of the most popular animated TV series out there — not only on Cartoon Network, but on TV in general and the Internet all over the place. Now Boom Studios’ KABOOM imprint is presenting the brand new Adventure Time full-color comic book series, premiering this February. Join the adventure as Finn the human, Jake the Dog (with amazing powers of transformation), and Princess Bubblegum explore the amazing Land of Ooo. The premier issue was written by North Ryan, with illustrations by Shelli Paroline and Branden Lamb. Check out the Boom! Studios ordering page for more information on the series.

image c. 2011 Boom! Studios



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