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2008 Ursa Major Award winners announced

Edited as of Sun 27 Dec 2009 - 03:43
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The winners of the 2008 Ursa Major Awards were announced this weekend at All Fur Fun 2009 in Spokane Valley, Washington.[1]

Nominees and award winners were chosen by popular online vote. Over 270 ballots were received from 16 countries for the final vote — an 34% increase over the previous year.[1]

The Ursa Major Awards were created in 2002 to celebrate the best works in the field of anthropomorphics, following a similar award for the "Best Anthropomorphics of the 20th Century", held at ConFurence 12 and covering live action and animated movies and television series.[2]


Waterways is Kyell Gold's third award-winning novel, after Volle (2005) and Pendant of Fortune (2006)


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