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Upcoming Comics for January 2005

Edited by crossaffliction as of Sun 25 May 2014 - 23:56
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From Doodles and Treesong, this month's comics listings!pg 92
Looney Tunes #122 - $2.25 - order #NOV040298

Scooby-Doo #92 - $2.25 - order #NOV040301
The gang goes to a convention of horror film fans and is killed by an enraged fandom. (We can dream, can't we?)

pg 117
We3 #3 - $2.95 - order #NOV040358
The conclusion of the saga, as the trio of cyborgs continue to fight for survival against soldiers and the WE4 models. It's proved to be a hell of a ride so far...

pg 142
Lions, Tigers, and Bears #1 - $2.95 - order #NOV041536
Ever wonder what would have happened if the Image gang had done "Herobear and the Kid?" Now you can find out in this 4-issue series by Mike Bullock and Jack Lawrence, as little Joey Price discovers his stuffed animals are really magic and they all have to stop monsters from destroying the world's children.

pg 146
Pigtale #1 - $2.95 - order #NOV041541
In this new title from Ovi Nedelco, amateur investigator Boston Booth's struggling business takes a surprising turn when he teams up with a talking pig named Clyde. Anyone for bacon?

pg 222
Gold Digger #60 - $2.99 - order #NOV042365

pg 223
Ninja High School #124 - $2.99 - order #NOV042373

pg 238
Banana Tail #1 - $4.95 - order #NOV042494
This all-ages title by Mark McKennea is all about the title character and his friends on Oops -N- Ouch Island. Ringringringringringringring... BANANATAIL! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

pg 246
Jack Spade and Tony Two-Fist #1 - $3.00 - order #NOV042536
In this series by Steve Ralston, Jack and Tony are two guys who like quaffing brews and getting into fights. One of them happens to be a penguin...

pg 256
Patrick The Wolfboy TPB - $10.95 - order #NOV042578
This book collects a good percentage of Patrick's tales, and has an additional 25 pages of new material. If you've missed out on the little wolfboy in the past, don't do it again or we'll send the squirrels after you.

pg 286
Donald Duck Adventures #10 TP - $7.95 - order #NOV042716

Donald Duck and Friends #324 - 2.95 - order #NOV042718

pg 228
Mickey Mouse and Friends #273 - $2.95 - order #NOV042719

Uncle Scrooge #338 - $6.95 - order #NOV042720

Walt Disney's comics & Stories #653 - $6.95 - order #NOV042721

pg 306
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #7 - $3.95 - order #NOV042810
You'd think that after all this time, they'd stop calling 'em teenagers...

pg 308
Wild #10 - $3.75 - order #NOV042830
ADULTS ONLY - This issue features OsoZeth's Poncio the Seducer, and Karno's latest as he follows that ever-horny medico on "Doctor's Rounds."

pg 311
Furrlough #145 - $3.50 - order #NOV042857
This issue features "Tamara the Barbarienne", plus work by Thor Thorvaldson, Christina hanson, and Eddie Perkins.

Havoc, Inc. Digest TP V. 2 - $10.95 - order #NOV042858
This collects issues 5-8 of the series, and includes a bonus story about Chester and Deck's early adventures.

Genus Male #4 - $4.99 - order #NOV042859
ADULTS ONLY - The all-male sex anthology is back for another year's sticky fun. This issue features John Barret's "Game Boys," "All the Comfort" by Patrick Little, and art and stories by Daria McGrain, Terrie Smith, Sara M. Williams, and Honey Fox.

pg 313
Furry Ninja High School Twilight #1 - $4.99 - order #NOV042876

pg 325
Fruits Basket #7 - $9.95 - order #NOV042911

That's it for this month! See you in December!

And, from Treesong:

Almost nothing to add to Doodles this month:

PAGE 227
NOV042415E Sonic the Hedgehog #145 32pg, color $2.19
by Various
Two stories.

PAGE 348
NOV043047E Wolf's Rain #11 184pg 5"x7" pb $9.99
NOV043048E Wolf's Rain #2 184pg 5"x7" pb $9.99
by Toshitsugo Iida
'Four wolves on the run from mankind answer the highest, most dire
calling--they seek the legendary Paradise. From the creators of Cowboy
Bebop and Escaflowne comes this new manga take on the hit suspense anime
Wolf's Rain. Humans thought the wolves died off two centuries ago in
this bleak post-apocalyptic wasteland. But some survivors lurk among the
humans by mentally cloaking their animal bodies.' Two-volume series.

NOV043058E My Neighbor Totoro #4 152pg 5"x7" pb, color $9.99
by Hayao Miyazaki
Totoro, Catbus, stuff like that.


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an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois, interested in sf, homebrewing, photography and running