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Mephit Furmeet Update

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Mephit Furmeet is almost here! Click below for some convention updates and reminders!--Hotel Update--

Elvis has invaded!!! People think we are wierd? Right now at this very moment the International Elvis Convention is at the MFM hotel. The staff is soooo looking forward to us after the Elvi invade because we are so "normal"
That's gotta say something!

The hotel, if you haven't heard, is now offering free wireless internet through out the hotel...that means sleeping rooms, conference rooms, ballrooms and in the Garden Court. So you can be a Geek and stay in touch with the "net".

The hotel has assured us that extra security will be put on duty during our weekend. In addition they have a new security system as well. So that should alleviate the couple (yes, it really was just a couple) issues that we had last year. The hotel feels very bad about last year's incidents and even though it was out of their hands in some cases, they are doing everything they can to make sure to keep things safe and secure.

Buffets at the hotel this year....
Breakfast buffets will be $6.95 per person including soda/coffee/tea (tax and tip extra)

Dinner buttets on Friday and Sunday will be $10.95 per person including soda/coffee/tea (tax and tip extra)

Yes they are ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! MFM is proud that each year we can make sure they meals in the hotel are affordale and filling! We have also been assured that extra servers and kitchen staff will be on duty to make sure everyone is taken care of.

We have expanded the space we use at the hotel in addition to us being the ONLY group in the hotel from Friday until Sunday. More space means more neat things!

Don't forget to call 800-653-6524 or email [email protected] to reserve your room for MFM!

Rooms are being reserved at a record pace and it looks like it's going to be an awesome year!!! So make sure and reserve your room soon!

--LAN Gaming--

This year in addition to the wireless internet in the hotel, our Lan Gaming Team has expanded the room and will be offering lots of neat things! They have tournaments and who knows what else planned!

--Dance Lounge--

Don't forget we have the new "Dance Lounge" where you can come down and get lei'd! Friday night will be karaoke and Saturday night will be Sub-level 03 concert featuring them filming the video for "Elements of the Paw" Make sure and stop by and see what else is in store!

--Friday Evening Furry Frolic Dinner--

I will once again be hosting the Furry Frolic Dinner again this year on Friday evening after opening cermonies at MFM. As usual, anyone attending will be getting the special edition button that you can only get when you go to the dinner!

This year's menu is as follows
Friday Dinner Buffet/Furry Frolic Dinner Fried Chicken Baked Catfish Spaghetti Green Beans Mashed Potatoes Salad Bar Assorted Desserts All this for $10.95 plus tax and tip. This year also all buffets at MFM include coffee, tea or soda!

Please R.S.V.P. to [email protected] to let me know if you will be coming so we can make sure the hotel has enough food prepared and also enough buttons!

--Fursuiting at the MFM--

This year we will once again be doing our special fursuit badges at MFM. If you are planning on coming to MFM and have a pic already that you would like to use on your badge, you can email it to me at [email protected] with what suit name you want on your badge. If you don't have a pic, don't worry, we will be also taking photos for the badges at MFM Registration. The first badge will be free, if you are bringing more than one suit, additional badges will be available, all we ask is a small donation that will go to our charity Tiger Haven

Also Techwolf will be taking photos throughout the MFM weekend. He has a wonderful digital camera so if you need some good shots of your suit he will get you all set!

Hope to see you all at Mephic Furmeet!


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