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Conifur announces Guests of Honor!

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Conifur Northwest is proud to announce our Guests of Honor for 2004! Our Artist Guest of Honor is the incredible Chad Krueger. Our Writer/Publisher/Editor Guest of Honor is the fabulous Edd Vick.

Click "Read more…" for the full announcement.

Chad Krueger is a cartoonist living in Washington State. His art has been featured in the mainstream press and has been seen at conventions across the country.

Edd Vick (oil field roustabout, bread twister, and circus acrobat) is the son of a pirate and publisher of MU Press and ÆON, fine purveyors of such comic books as Stinz, Rhudiprrt, Xanadu, and Mad Raccoons. His short stories have appeared in Asimov's SF Magazine, Glyph, Distant Planes, and Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe.

Conifur Northwest is September 24-26, 2004, at the Tacoma Convention Center, in Tacoma, Washington. Conifur is a convention for fans and creators of anthropomorphic comics, books, movies, and related media. Conifur strives to be a relaxing convention that's fun for all members. Through our programming and special events we hope to provide an entertaining, informative, and inspirational weekend for fans and creators alike.

Please check out our web site ( for more detailed information. You can sign up for our announcement list at Or you can join our forums (ride/room shares, party planning, et cetera) at

For specific inquiries, please use the following addresses:

Registration: [email protected]

Events (including clinics, masquerade, et al): [email protected]

Publications (program book, pocket program, con bags): [email protected]

All things Artshow related: [email protected]

Dealer's Den information: [email protected]

Charity auction: [email protected]

Volunteering: [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you next September!

Gene Breshears, [email protected]
Publications Coordinator, Conifur Northwest


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About the author

GeneBreshearsread storiescontact (login required)

a typographer from Seattle, WA, interested in writing, dabbling, publishing, and analyzing