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C-ACE Progress Report for March

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It’s now just over two months away from the start of C-ACE (May 30 to June 1 in Ottawa, Canada), and we’re very excited with how things are shaping up! Here are just a few of the highlights this month.C-ACE is very pleased to introduce our first writer Guest of Honour: Ted MacKinnon will be our guest at C-ACE 2003. Ted is the author of the novel “Scars” based on the Ironclaw universe. Ted has an interest in gaming as well, and he’ll be leading a writing panel as well as giving a reading of his work along with a Q & A session. Bios for all of our guests can be found at

This year, C-ACE introduces a new feature in our Dealers Room -- the Print Shop! The print shop will provide convenient access to in-demand print services for both artists and fans, including black and white and colour copies, scanning of hard copy images, and CD burning. Copies will be available on either regular or glossy paper at 8.5 x 11 or 13 x 19 inches. A price list for these services will be available shortly. Please see for more information.

We’re busily developing our programming list. Many of last year’s popular panels and events return, such as the Life Drawing Session with a professional instructor and model, the Chocolate Social, the Introduction to Flash Animation, Weaponry for Artists, the Writing Contest, the Iron Artist, and the Best of the Web. We’ll also have new panels about using Colour Markers, designing a web page for your art, fur textures rendering in Photoshop, non-mammalian anatomy, and Puppetry. Also look for new entertainment events (including a short costuming presentation), and an expanded gaming track. And there’s a few more items yet to come! For a more complete list and hours of operation for all of the convention’s activities see .We still might have a couple of slots open for new programming, so please contact [email protected] if you have a good idea for a panel or workshop.

Our Art Show panels are sold out, and the Dealers Room is down to its last few empty spaces! However, we might be able to add a few more art show panels if demand warrants. Please mail [email protected] to be placed on a waiting list in case new panels are made available or a cancellation occurs.

As well, if you are interested in staying at the C-ACE hotel, please make sure that you book your room by the May 1 reservation deadline. Our room rates expire at the point and other rooms may not be available, since May is a busy travel season in Ottawa. Also, make sure that you mention C-ACE and our booking code when reserving your room in order to ensure that you receive the discounted rate! (Please see for hotel rates and booking codes.)

Most of the items in this progress report are explained in greater detail on our website if you are looking for more information. As well, the website includes the names of the Early Bird Draw winners and will soon include an updated version of the Local Area Map (showing restaurants, stores, and entertainment near the hotel). If you still have further questions about any of these items or about C-ACE in general, please contact [email protected]

Thanks for your interest in C-ACE.

Jeff Novotny, C-ACE con chair


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