Anthrocon 2003 Masquerade Information (2/03)

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Anthrocon 2003 is coming soon! If you are a costumer, plan to attend Anthrocon 2003, and would like to participate in the Masquerade, here is what you should do:

1. Visit Anthrocon 2003's homepage for convention details (
2. Review the latest draft of the Anthrocon 2002 Masquerade rules and regulations on the Anthrocon webpage in the Events/Charity Auction/"Masquerade rules" link.
3. Contact me at [email protected] to confirm your participation or to get on the informational mailing list.

Once signed up, you will be added to a mailing list which will receive information about the Masquerade up through contime, how to prepare for it, and how things will be organized.

If you have any questions about the Anthrocon 2003 Masquerade, you can also send them to [email protected] for a prompt reply.

Hope to hear from you!


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My bad. The text should read:

2. Review the latest draft of the Anthrocon 2002 Masquerade rules and regulations on the Anthrocon webpage in the Events/Masquerade/"Masquerade rules" link.

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