Fox "unleashes" new reality shows...
Aside from "101 Things removed from the Human Body" Fox TV is slated to air two other new shows, including a doggie beauty pageant and "Man vs. Beast", where humans are pitted in tests of speed and strength against animals.
• "Man vs. Beast," the multispecies competition airing Wednesday, January 15 at 9 p.m., will feature humans and animals going head-to-head in a series of competitions. Steve Santagati ("Bachelorettes in Alaska") hosts.
In addition to the midgets vs. elephant battle -- in which the two teams will compete to see who can pull a DC-10 across a desert field fastest -- highlights of the hour include 132-lb. hot dog-eating champ Takeru Kobayashi trying to outswallow a 1,000 lb. Kodiak bear, and world-class sprinter Shawn Crawford racing against a giraffe and a zebra.
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