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Animal Cams

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Animal Planet has a web page devoted to live webcam sites specifically aimed at animals. Included are a shark cam, a penguin cam, a rhino cam and more. The page also sports a link to yet more cameras listed off of Discovery.Com (parent of Animal Planet). This listing has far more links, with links to a camera in a pet shelter, a lion camera, hippos and more. Take a peek!


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CNN has a page of Wild Web Cams that is also worth checking out. One of them, the GiraffeCam, is located at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which I visited many times when I lived there.

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About the author

Feren (Jason Olsen)read storiescontact (login required)

    a network engineer and Black panther from Chicago, Illinois, interested in furry literature, art, and camaros

    Sometimes network engineer. Sometimes coder. Sometimes ranting editorial writer.